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发布时间:2018-03-20 01:27

  本文选题:县域经济 切入点:特色产业 出处:《青岛科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since eighteen, the Central Committee of the party clearly put forward the "two one hundred year" goal of building a well-off society has become imminent. Around the goals and tasks of Yanggu county is located in Luxi Plain, located in Shandong, Henan, Hebei junction, is in the economic development of backward areas, compared with the developed counties in building a well-off society on the road has made the initiative, to accelerate the development of less developed regions as Yanggu County, to catch up with the development of the mood is more urgent, pressure is more obvious. Therefore, how to realize the rapid economic development of Yanggu county is facing a non realistic topic is very important. The domestic experts and scholars through research on the success of economic developed area of county economy development mode there are a lot of achievements, the development of a unique industrial economy in order to achieve the county economic development which has become a successful experience of Yanggu county based economy. Weak, location advantage is not obvious, in the actual development, through comparative advantage, select the breakthrough point, vigorously developing industries, out of their own unique and fruitful ways. The contents of this paper, combined with the characteristics of industry at home and abroad on the development of county economy related research literature and industry practice, combing the current county economy industry research theory, from the theoretical connotation to grasp the essence of the characteristic industry. Starting from the basic situation of Yanggu County, copper and copper products processing, has selected characteristics of industrial development of Yanggu County chemical fiber optic cable, plastic, green food processing, light textile and automotive accessories such as the five industry development present situation, the actual. The development of industry in Yanggu County, strategic objectives and main tasks are discussed. Through the SWOT analysis of Yanggu county industrial development advantages and disadvantages of comprehensive analysis, put forward Yanggu The county's industrial development strategy and Countermeasures for the implementation of the industrial development strategy were analyzed. It is hoped that this article will help Yanggu's economic and social development.



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