发布时间:2018-03-31 14:28
本文选题:国有垄断行业 切入点:垄断利润 出处:《河南师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:经济体制的改革为经济高速增长提供了有效的制度前提,带来了经济社会的快速发展带,居民收入整体水平的不断提高。但繁荣的背后伴随着矛盾的凸显,与体制改革相伴随的激励机制和分配制度的变化必然导致收入分配格局的演变。我国基尼系数十多年来一直超过国际警戒水平,居民收入分配差距明显,且有扩大的趋势。不同行业之间的收入差距日益明显,而其中垄断行业与其他低收入行业的收入差距尤其显著。 通过对1978年-2012年行业收入差距演变的分析表明:行业收入绝对差距呈持续扩大趋势,但相对差距呈现出了先下降(1978-1991),后平稳上升(1992-2001),进而快速上升(2002-2012)的U型变化趋势;根据对我国1978年以来行业收入排序的结果分析,具有高劳动强度特征的职行业逐渐退出工资最高行业的行列,而一些原来职工工资并不太高,但具有比较高的国有化水平的行业(如金融保险业)和科技含量较高的行业(如科学研究和综合技术服务业、信息传输、计算机和软件业)则陆续进入前三行列。分析认为国有垄断程度和人力资本含量的差异是导致行业收入差距的主要因素,但由人力资本差异所引致的行业收入差距是合理且被公众认可的,而由于行业垄断所导致的收入差距则是导致我国行业收入差距不合理的最主要因素,行业垄断在我国主要体现为通过行政力量导致的国有垄断。 国有垄断行业高收入高收入原因在于:国有垄断行业通过市场垄断地位得以获取巨额垄断资金,通过过低的税后利润上缴比较得以使大部分垄断租金得以保留在企业内部,又依赖所有者缺位下的内部利益共享分配机制,使垄断租金在内部共享,其高工资水平得以实现。其过高的收入违背了基本分配制度即以按劳分配为主并结合生产要素分配的原则,同时垄断的低效高价造成了社会运行成本的高企与效率的低下,导致巨大的社会福利损失。 公有制为主体的经济发展模式决定了我国不可能对国有经济行业垄断完全放开,其垄断地位并非轻易能够动摇和改变。考虑现实障碍,要改变垄断行业的高收入,应从以下两个方面着手:一方面,通过一定的措施使其无法获得高额利润。包括完善垄断产品价格机制和完善市场,引入竞争两个主要方向,使垄断产品价格与收入在市场之手的作用下合理化;另一方面,采取措施使高额利润无法转化成行业收入:通过完善税后利润 缴纳减少高额利润的企业内部留存,通过规范企业内部分配,,强化外部监督,对其利润内部共享行为进行治理和监督,使其收入在监管之手的作用下合理化。
[Abstract]:The reform of the economic system provides an effective institutional premise for the rapid economic growth, brings the rapid development of the economic and social zone, and the continuous improvement of the overall level of residents' income. The changes in incentive mechanism and distribution system accompanying with the reform of the system will inevitably lead to the evolution of the pattern of income distribution. The Gini coefficient of our country has been exceeding the international alert level for more than a decade, and the gap between the income distribution of the residents is obvious. The income gap between different industries is becoming more and more obvious, and the income gap between monopoly industries and other low-income industries is particularly significant. Through the analysis of the evolution of industry income gap from 1978 to 2012, it is shown that the absolute income gap of the industry continues to expand, but the relative gap shows a U-type trend of decreasing first from 1978 to 1991, then rising steadily from 1992 to 2001, and then rising rapidly from 2002 to 2012. According to the analysis of the results of the ranking of industry income since 1978, the vocational industries with high labor intensity characteristics have gradually withdrawn from the ranks of the highest wage industries, while some of the original workers' wages are not too high. But industries with relatively high levels of nationalization (such as finance and insurance) and industries with higher technological content (such as scientific research and integrated technology services, information transmission, The computer and software industries) have one after another entered the top three ranks. The analysis shows that the differences in the degree of state-owned monopoly and the content of human capital are the main factors leading to the income gap in the industry. However, the industry income gap caused by the difference of human capital is reasonable and recognized by the public, and the income gap caused by the industry monopoly is the most important factor leading to the unreasonable industry income gap in our country. The industrial monopoly in our country is mainly reflected in the state-owned monopoly caused by administrative power. The reasons for the high income and high income of the state-owned monopoly industry are that the state-owned monopoly industry can obtain a huge amount of monopoly funds through the market monopoly position, and the large proportion of monopoly rent can be retained in the enterprise through the comparison of the low after-tax profits. It also relies on the internal benefit-sharing distribution mechanism under the absence of the owner, so that the monopoly rent can be shared internally. Its high wage level can be realized. Its excessive income violates the basic distribution system, that is, distribution according to work and combining with the principle of distribution of factors of production. At the same time, the low efficiency and high price of monopoly result in the high operating cost and low efficiency of the society. Resulting in huge social welfare losses. The mode of economic development in which public ownership is the main body determines that it is impossible for our country to completely liberalize the monopoly of the state-owned economy, and its monopoly position cannot be easily shaken and changed. Considering the practical obstacles, we should change the high income of the monopoly industry. We should start from the following two aspects: on the one hand, through certain measures to make it unable to obtain high profits, including perfecting the price mechanism of monopoly products and improving the market, introducing the two main directions of competition, Rationalizing the prices and revenues of monopolistic products by the hands of the market; on the other hand, taking measures to prevent high profits from turning into industry income: by improving after-tax profits. By regulating the internal distribution, strengthening the external supervision, and managing and supervising the internal sharing behavior of the profits, the income of the enterprises can be rationalized under the action of supervision.
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