本文选题:市场化改革 + 技术进步 ; 参考:《宏观经济研究》2017年11期
[Abstract]:Improving energy efficiency is the key choice to solve the dilemma of energy shortage and environmental pollution. In this paper, under the assumption of market economy with perfect competition, the production function and cost function are constructed, and the theoretical model between energy efficiency and market-oriented reform and technological progress is put forward. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 1997 to 2014, the effects of market-oriented reform and technological progress on regional energy efficiency are studied by using static fixed effect panel data model and cross-section weighted estimation and error correction method. It is found that after controlling the variables such as economic scale, trade dependence, industrial structure, investment structure and energy structure, the degree of marketization and technological progress play a significant role in the improvement of energy efficiency among provinces in China. The degree of marketization and the effect of technological progress in the eastern and central regions are significant, while in the western region the effect of technological progress is significant, while the degree of marketization restricts the improvement of energy efficiency, but the effect is not significant. In the sample of 1997-2008, the degree of marketization and technological progress still promoted the improvement of energy efficiency, and the degree of marketization and the effect of technological progress were significant in the eastern region, but in the middle of the region, In the sample of 2009-2014, the factor of technological progress is significant, and the degree of marketization is not significant to the improvement of energy efficiency. However, the marketization degree and technological progress factors are significant in the central region, but the effect is not significant in the eastern and western regions.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学经济学院;
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