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发布时间:2016-11-23 17:54



    Since 1999, the US current account deficit and global imbalances have been increasing rapidly. Many economists worry about the sustainability and consequences of the global imbalances so that they recommend rebalancing the economic in order to avoid financial crisis. Their agenda are mostly the same: contracting monetary and budgetary policy, exchange rate depreciation and trade policies. As the discussion progresses, the US current account deficit and global imbalances have no response, because the US government didn’t adopt the recommendation of the economists. Furthermore, if we go deeply into the history, we will find that the several periods of increasing global imbalances coincident with expansionary macroeconomic policies as a whole.I deduce from the history that US must get something from global imbalances, or he will not leave the global imbalances alone. What can US get from global imbalances? In order to figure out the secret, reviewing the global imbalances theories is necessary. We find that US financial advantage didn’t cause global imbalances; the casual direction is quite the reverse. Based on the review, we get the message that US financial industry can benefit from the global imbalances as well as the US economic. However, the benefits US can get from global imbalances are quite different in particular period. From the World War Two till the early 1980s, the US current account deficit has little influences on the US financial industry. The obstacle behind is the US financial regulation policies. Although other surplus countries have demands on the US financial product, the Q quotation and IET raise the costs of supplying financial product to foreigners to a prohibitive level. After these policies are abolished, the US financial industries are pushed by these non-exhausting demands. Since 1990s, the benefits get larger and larger and we can learn it from the soaring US security market indexes, the large return differentials and the booming new economics.The other benefit that US get from imbalances is better control on price level. We can show it from the macro level or the industry level. From the macro level, although surplus dollar return to US, the basic principle between current account and money supply still exist in US. The current account deficit will reduce the money supply of America. If the price level is mostly influenced by money supply, we can say that the global imbalances can help US control its price level. From the industry level, US transfer the labor-intensive and some capital-intensive industries to other countries. According to the trade theories, the price level of these industries will be reduced by imports. The empirical analysis mostly supports the viewpoint above. In all the global imbalances can help US to control its price level.US can promote growth and stabilize inflation through current account deficit so that we believe the optimal US current account is quite different from other countries. Based on the benefits US gets, I restructure the lost function of US government where current account position is supposed to be the most important factor.Calculating the optimal current account value of specific period, we believe that the value is negative for the time when global imbalances got worsen rapidly. To draw pieces together, we need to introduce a proposition that economic policy of real world matches the welfare analysis for new institutional economic strongly oppose this proposition and cite many examples to support their view. After that, we can deduce that global imbalance may be caused by the US macroeconomic benefits which lead to expansionary economic policies. I call the theories as US economic benefits view of global imbalances. This view is connected with the other views and different from them too. It helps us go deeply down into the causes of global imbalances. If the US economic benefits view is right, the global imbalances will be de decided by the US benefits. The larger the benefits, the larger global imbalances for US economic policies will prone to make it larger. According to this view, one of the reason global rebalances will come into being is that US benefits from current account deficits get smaller or even become negative, because the US will have to adjust his attitude and economic policies after that. The periphery can’t do much about the imbalances.We believe that the US optimal current account value is negative since 1990, so the economic policies must match the analysis. We need to go into details about this question: if US macro policies cause current account deficits. The answer is yes. US didn’t worry about external imbalances, his objective is to promote economic growth internal, fight against the recession risk and reduce unemployment rate. Although the dollar depreciates a lot from 2001 to 2004, it did not mean that US try to reduce external imbalances. Once we go back to the floating exchange regime US adopt, it become obvious that the expansionary monetary policy, the negative shock and investors’confidence lead to the depreciation. Moreover, depreciating dollar will switch demand form imports products to domestic made ones; depreciating dollar will help shrink US debt for most of the US debt are nominated in dollar. After the macro policies achieve its objectives, the US once again raises its federal fund rate. The change make the dollar appreciate again. It’s common to us all that dollar appreciation will worsen its current account. We can tell that US didn’t want to reduce external imbalances.After subprime mortgage crisis, many scholars judge the event from different perspective. They may got some shells but forget about the sea. Subprime crisis is closely connected with global imbalances. The periphery is not content with US government debt with low return rates and tries to buy some financial products with better profits. The huge demand exceeds the supply power of US financial system so that a bubble come into being and finally bust. The fuse is that US change macro policies and raise the federal fund rates. However, even if the US haven’t change the direction of monetary policies, the bubble would still bust. As a result, the subprime mortgage crisis is caused by global imbalances to some extent.Subprime mortgage crisis greatly affected the US macro benefits, the investors’confidence about the US financial market may break down so that the periphery will invest less in the US financial markets even if they can still get lots of surplus dollar. The optimal current account value becomes larger which means US need to improve the current account. However, US government doesn’t want to experience recession so that he will make expansionary policies to stimulate growth even if the optimal value becomes larger. Once they realize the situation, they may change the macro policies and improve the current account as well.According to the US economic benefits view, there are two implications for periphery countries. First, the US macro policies may make at the expense of periphery countries’interest. Second, periphery can’t wipe out global imbalances by themselves. Consequently, periphery need to adjust and must try to choose the best way to do so. Different path may bring different risks and benefits.Generally, there are two ways periphery can avoid the loss caused by the US government policies. First, every country takes care of individual business. Second, they cooperate to do so. Once they do it alone, they may incur greater loss. For example, if A country appreciate against dollar, he may appreciate against other periphery countries too so that he loss competence in exports. Once we compare the European Union and East Asia, it’s quite clearly that EU does a better job at reduce dollar reserves. I think that cooperation is the best way for the periphery countries.



摘要3-7Abstract7-10导言19-27    0.1 问题的提出及选题意义19-21    0.2 研究的主要内容21-23    0.3 研究方法23    0.4 研究的主要结论、创新点和不足之处23-27        0.4.1 主要结论23-24        0.4.2 主要创新点24-25        0.4.3 不足之处25-27第1章 全球经济失衡的概述27-43    1.1 全球经济失衡的定义及其规模27-31        1.1.1 全球经济失衡的定义27-29        1.1.2 全球失衡的规模29-31    1.2 历史视野中的全球经济失衡31-34    1.3 战后全球经济失衡由美国主导34-35    1.4 历次全球经济失衡加剧时期美国宏观经济政策35-41        1.4.1 1970-1973 年美国的宏观政策36-37        1.4.2 1982-1987 年美国宏观经济政策37-39        1.4.3 2001-2006 年美国宏观经济政策39-41    1.5 小结41-43第2章 全球经济失衡形成的金融优势假说43-59    2.1 美国的金融优势假说43-47        2.1.1 美元资产吸引力与外围国家盈余动机44-46        2.1.2 美国净国外投资收益率差异46-47    2.2 围绕金融优势假说的争论47-51        2.2.1 新布雷顿森林体系的脆弱性47-49        2.2.2 美国国外投资收益率差异可能并不重要49-50        2.2.3 美元贬值效应并不大50-51    2.3 美国金融优势假说的意义51-57        2.3.1 金融优势假说51-53        2.3.2 经常账户统计标准应该调整53-56        2.3.3 全球经济失衡良性论56-57    2.4 小结57-59第3章 全球经济失衡推动了美国金融行业发展及经济增长59-79    3.1 全球经济失衡推动了美国金融行业发展59-65        3.1.1 全球经济失衡形成与美国金融行业优势无太大关联59-63        3.1.2 全球经济失衡推动了美国金融行业的发展63-65    3.2 全球经济失衡推动美国金融行业发展的实证检验65-67    3.3 全球经济失衡推动美国金融行业发展的不同阶段67-73        3.3.1 1960-1980 年美国金融环境与金融行业发展68-69        3.3.2 1980-1990 年美国金融环境及金融行业发展69-71        3.3.3 1990 至今美国金融环境及金融行业发展71-73    3.4 美国金融行业发展与经济增长73-76    3.5 小结76-79第4章 全球经济失衡与美国通货膨胀79-93    4.1 美国经常账户与通货膨胀79-87        4.1.1 经常账户与通货膨胀关系的理论框架79-84        4.1.2 美国经常账户、货币供应以及通货膨胀的实证分析84-87    4.2 美国行业净进口与行业价格87-91        4.2.1 行业净进口与行业价格水平的理论框架87-89        4.2.2 行业层面价格指数与进口的实证分析89-91    4.3 小结91-93第5章 美国宏观经济利益、最优经常账户规模与全球经济失衡93-115    5.1 一般最优经常账户规模的推导93-95    5.2 美国最优经常账户规模的决定95-104        5.2.1 函数式的推导及其检验95-96        5.2.2 美国最优经常账户规模决定96-98        5.2.3 美国最优经常账户的静态变化98-104    5.3 最优经常账户规模与经济政策制定104-109        5.3.1 福利分析与经济政策制定关系的粗略讨论104-106        5.3.2 以80 年代美国贸易政策作为本文假设的例证106-109    5.4 全球经济失衡的美国宏观经济利益假说及其地位109-113        5.4.1 美国宏观经济利益假说更为深入的揭示了全球失衡形成原因109-112        5.4.2 美国宏观经济利益假说认为美国应该承担更多失衡调整责任112-113    5.5 小结113-115第6章 次贷危机前美国宏观经济政策与全球经济失衡115-129    6.1 2001-2004 美国宏观经济政策并非为了治理外部失衡116-119    6.2 美国2001-2004 经济政策组合加剧外部失衡的作用机制119-124    6.3 2005 年至次贷危机前美国宏观政策的一些变化124-127    6.4 小结127-129第7章 次贷危机后美国宏观经济利益及最优经常账户规模129-146    7.1 次贷危机发生与全球经济失衡130-135        7.1.1 经常账户盈余国家积累了过多美元储备130-131        7.1.2 盈余国家储备调整困境以及对美元资产需求变化131-133        7.1.3 次级债务危机与全球经济失衡133-135    7.2 次贷危机之后的美国宏观经济利益及其最优经常账户135-138        7.2.1 次贷后美国经常账户赤字可能会拖累其经济增长135-138        7.2.2 美国对于经济增长偏差将赋予更高权重138    7.3 美国宏观经济政策与福利分析的冲突及风险138-144        7.3.1 美国宏观经济政策将重新变得扩张138-141        7.3.2 美国扩张政策给美国以及全球经济带来的风险141-144    7.4 小结144-146第8章 美国对外围国家调整方式的影响146-165    8.1 美国政策可能会损害外围国家的利益146-155        8.1.1 美元资产贬值给外围国家带来的损失147-149        8.1.2 美元储备资产持有的社会成本149        8.1.3 盈余国家货币政策独立性缺乏149-151        8.1.4 美国迫使盈余国家承担调整成本151-153        8.1.5 盈余国家损失函数变化及意义153-155    8.2 东亚国家的调整155-160        8.2.1 东亚财政和货币政策并未做出调整155-158        8.2.2 东亚国家的汇率制度并未根本变革158-160    8.3 盈余国家应该采用合作调整的方式160-163        8.3.1 盈余国家单独调整的困境160-161        8.3.2 欧盟联合调整的成功经验161-163    8.4 小结163-165参考文献165-175后记175-177






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