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发布时间:2018-07-21 11:36
【摘要】:新兴产业的建设对我国自主创新能力和国际竞争力的提高、推进产业结构的优化升级都有着深远的意义。但是新兴产业在发展建设中,由于产业布局不合理,引致的产业空间同构、恶性竞争等问题也日益严峻,成为制约其发展的瓶颈。新兴产业的发展也如生物体一样经历着各种形态变化,并且新兴产业的发展与环境的关系也是一种相互依赖和制约的生态关系,而生态位理论正是研究物种形态变化的经典理论,并从一个多维空间角度分析物种在环境中的位置变化,这就为新兴产业的空间形态研究提供了非常合适的方法论工具。基于此,本论文借助生态位的观点和视角,将新兴产业比拟为生态元,新兴产业发展所处的阶段比拟为生态位,提出新兴产业空间形态创新理论,从生态位的视角,对新兴产业创新资源分布的空间形态展开研究。 本论文在已有理论的基础上,从生态位的视角出发,以新兴产业空间形态创新为研究对象,沿着空间形态创新的生态位测度—空间形态创新的演变机制—空间形态创新的计量研究—空间形态创新的生态位优化策略的逻辑思路,从不同角度探讨新兴产业空间形态创新的演变机理和影响因素,解析各影响因素之间的内在作用机理。本论文主要从以下几个方面展开研究:(1)新兴产业空间形态创新的内涵和构成要素是什么?(2)新兴产业空间形态创新的演化机制如何?(3)新兴产业空间形态创新的空间结构层次如何?影响因素有哪些?是否存在着收敛性?(4)如何提升新兴产业空间形态创新能力? 针对上述问题,本文展开了详细的研究过程,,主要研究内容是: 一、提出了新兴产业空间形态创新的概念内涵并构建理论框架体系 新兴产业空间形态创新是指新兴产业的技术创新在空间上的形态变化,包括空间的分布形态、演化形态、集聚形态等各种形态变化的综合。它有三个主要特征,分别是空间性、形态性和动态性。全文将围绕着这三个特征构建理论框架:第三章从生态位测度角度研究空间性,第四章从生态位演化角度解析形态性,第五章用空间计量建模分析动态性,第六章是第五章的实证研究,第七章对这三个特性进行总结并提出优化策略。 二、计算新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位宽度、重叠度、态势 运用生态位宽度计测公式测量了新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位宽度,并根据聚类结果,将新兴产业的空间分布大致分为五类,分别是关键种生态元、节点型生态元、中间位生态元、小生位生态元和小微型生态元,将计算结果反映在地图上,发现新兴产业创新资源分布呈现“船锚”型空间形态分布。然后,利用生态位重叠度公式计算了新兴产业创新资源在空间分布上的重叠情况,构建了新兴产业生态位“态势”的测度指标,其中,“态”反映的是过去状态的累计,“势”反映的是未来增长能力,并利用生态位态势的测度原理,计算了新兴产业空间形态创新的“态势”值,计算结果显示:从“态”的情况来看,依然是生态位较宽的省份态值也较高。从“势”值来看,中部省份的增长情况比东部沿海省份要高些,这也说明了创新资源渐有向中部省份转移的趋势。 三、分析新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位演化路径并构建了新兴产业空间形态创新的演化博弈模型 通过引入Lotka-Volterra模型,分析了新兴产业生态位演化的各种可能情况,并构造复制者动态方程,得出博弈双方A和B采取生态位扩张或维持原生态位策略的条件,引入态势参数分析演化博弈过程,然后,通过Matlab进行算例仿真,并结合近期光伏产业在欧美市场上遭遇“双反”调查的例子,根据演化博弈的分析情况,提出相应的解决方案。 四、建立空间计量模型探索影响空间形态创新的主要因素 采用Arcgis地理学软件绘制四分位地图,对新兴产业生态位空间结构进行描述,并通过全局空间自相关计算发现:全局的空间依赖性逐步增强,各省份在空间上的联系也愈加密切。使用Moran散点图测算,结果显示:在过去10年中各区域新兴产业的创新水平显示出了强烈的集聚态势,并且集聚程度表现出了稳定增长,区域间的空间差异持续拉大。时空跃迁测度法的结果显示:大部分的省份都保持了空间上的稳定性和持续性,并且创新集中在少数几个省份,形成以长三角、珠三角为核心的集聚。运用空间基尼系数计算了新兴产业的空间分布情况,结果显示:空间集聚程度最高与最低的行业分界明显。进一步采用面板模型分析空间影响的程度,结果显示:RD效应中的研发经费项和研发机构项都对空间基尼系数产生正向影响。然后,建立空间计量模型分析新兴产业空间形态创新的空间相关度及影响因素,计算结果显示:考虑空间效应后,空间误差模型和空间滞后模型的分析结果都比一般面板模型改善,并且,出口交货值、研发人员、新产品开发经费、消化吸收经费支出等因素的检验值显著提升。对空间收敛性的计算结果显示:我国创新产出各地区间的差异在逐步扩大,逐渐呈现一种比较固定的空间分布模式,并且有很强的锁定效应。 五、测度长三角地区空间形态创新的演变影响因素 通过对上海市、浙江省、江苏省相关创新产出数据的描述性统计分析看出:长三角地区的新兴产业呈现以上海、南京、杭州、苏州为核心的Z字形分布格局,主要分布在浙东南和苏中南一片,并且电子信息产业是长三角地区高技术产业中的主导产业。其次,通过协整检验,发现描述新兴产业空间形态创新的4个主要变量存在着协整关系,再通过格兰杰因果检验法判断变量之间相互的因果联系,在此基础上建立VAR模型,采用脉冲响应函数分析内生变量对残差冲击的影响,并用方差分解方法将各个时期每一个结构冲击对各内生变量的方差贡献度分解出来。然后,通过空间计量模型的研究发现:影响长三角新兴产业空间形态创新的主要因素有外商投资、进出口总额。通过全局空间自相关和局部空间自相关的计算也发现,长三角25市的空间联系正逐步加强,空间依赖性也越来越显著。 六、提出实施新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位优化策略 介绍了生态位分离策略、扩充策略、K-R策略、联盟策略的内涵及特点,利用产业空间集中度指数计算新兴产业的空间分布,再次,以数字电视产业为例,详细讨论了生态位策略在数字电视产业发展中的应用。 本研究的主要创新点在于: (1)研究视角创新:将生态位理论运用于新兴产业的研究中,从生态位的角度观察新兴产业空间形态创新的变化过程,对应空间形态创新的空间性、形态性、动态性三个层面,分别从生态位的测量、生态位的演化、生态位的空间结构、生态位的优化策略等方面立体剖析了空间形态创新的变化过程,丰富了生态学方法在经济研究中的应用。 (2)研究内容创新:系统地提出了空间形态创新理论,分别运用生态位空间测度、演化博弈论、空间计量经济学等方法从空间性、形态性、动态性三个层面探析新兴产业空间形态创新的内容,丰富了产业创新的研究,尤其是在空间形态层面上创新研究的理论。分项来说,①对空间性的研究。从生态位的角度测算了新兴产业空间形态分布对创新资源占用的情况,发现呈现“船锚”型的空间分布特征,并创新性地提出竞争的结果不仅取决于对要素资源的占用情况,也取决于竞争主体间的生态位宽度大小和资源的差异化程度,这也为中西部落后地区创新资源的应用提供了新的解决思路。②对形态性的研究。通过引入Lotka-Volterra生物学模型分析新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位演化路径,发现生态位的重叠情况决定了新兴产业的演化形态,并借鉴演化博弈论的分析方法,通过构造复制者动态方程,得出新兴产业采取生态位扩张或维持的演化稳定策略,找到影响演化形态的因素有政府补贴力度、市场预期收益率、生态位态势值、创新成本等因素,同时结合光伏产业发展的实际案例背景,根据演化博弈的分析情况,得出相应的解决方案。③对动态性的研究。采用空间计量方法研究新兴产业空间形态创新的动态性,发现空间锁定效应非常明显,影响空间形态创新动态性的主要因素有出口交货值、研发经费支出、技术改造经费;对空间收敛性的计算也发现新兴产业不存在收敛和β绝对收敛,但存在β条件收敛,说明创新的空间差异化正逐步加大,但在一定条件因素下可以实现有条件的收敛,这些收敛条件是重视对RD人员、RD经费、技术消化吸收等因素的重视,并通过对长三角地区新兴产业的实证研究,了解影响长三角地区新兴产业空间形态创新的主要因素,以及提出实施新兴产业空间形态创新的生态位优化策略。
[Abstract]:The construction of new industries has far-reaching significance for the improvement of our country's independent innovation ability and international competitiveness and the promotion of the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. However, in the development and construction of the emerging industries, the problems of the industrial space isomorphism and the vicious competition are becoming increasingly severe, which have become the bottleneck of the development of the new industries. The development of Xing industry is also experiencing a variety of morphological changes like organisms, and the relationship between the development of the emerging industries and the environment is also a kind of interdependent and restrictive ecological relationship. The niche theory is the classic theory of the change of species form, and the analysis of the change of the species in the environment from a multidimensional space. Based on the view and perspective of niche, this paper compares the emerging industries into ecological elements, and the development of emerging industries is compared to the niche, and puts forward the new industry space form innovation theory, from the perspective of niche to the emerging industries. Research on the spatial form of the distribution of innovative resources.
On the basis of the existing theory, this paper, starting from the perspective of niche, takes the spatial form innovation of the emerging industries as the research object, the ecological niche measure along the space form - the evolution mechanism of spatial form innovation - the measurement research of space form innovation - the logical thinking of the niche optimization strategy of space form innovation. The paper discusses the evolution mechanism and influencing factors of the new industries' spatial form innovation, and analyzes the internal mechanism between the various factors. This paper mainly studies the following aspects: (1) what are the connotation and elements of the spatial form innovation of the emerging industries? (2) how is the evolution mechanism of the spatial form innovation of the emerging industries? (3) What are the spatial structure levels of the new industries' spatial pattern innovation? What are the influencing factors and the existence of convergence? (4) how to improve the innovative ability of the spatial form of the emerging industries?
In view of the above problems, this paper has carried out a detailed research process.
First, it puts forward the concept connotation of new industry spatial form innovation and constructs the theoretical framework system.
The innovation of the spatial form of the emerging industries refers to the morphological changes in the space of the technological innovation of the emerging industries, including the spatial distribution, the evolution form and the agglomeration form. It has three main features, namely, spatial, morphological and dynamic. The whole text will build a theoretical framework around these three characteristics: The three chapter studies the spatial nature from the angle of niche measurement, the fourth chapter analyzes the morphology from the angle of niche evolution, the fifth chapter uses spatial measurement modeling to analyze the dynamics, the sixth chapter is the empirical study of the fifth chapter, and the seventh chapter summarizes the three characteristics and puts forward the optimization strategy.
Two, calculate the niche breadth, overlapping degree and trend of new industrial spatial form innovation.
The niche breadth is used to measure the niche breadth of the spatial pattern innovation of the emerging industries. According to the results of the cluster, the spatial distribution of the emerging industries is divided into five types, namely, the key species, the node type, the intermediate niche, the small niche and the small micro ecological element, and the results are reflected in the map. It is found that the distribution of new industry innovation resources presents the spatial distribution of "ship anchor". Then, the overlap of the new industry innovation resources in the spatial distribution is calculated by using the niche overlap formula, and the measure index of the niche "situation" of the emerging industries is constructed. In this, "state" reflects the cumulative past state. It reflects the future growth capacity and uses the measure principle of niche situation to calculate the "situation" value of the new industries' spatial pattern innovation. The calculation results show that, from the "state" situation, the state values of the provinces with wider ecological niche are still higher. From the "potential" value, the growth of the central provinces is more than that of the eastern coastal provinces. The higher the share, this also shows that the innovation resources are gradually shifting to the central provinces.
Three, analyze the niche evolution path of new industry spatial form innovation and construct the evolutionary game model of new industry spatial form innovation.
By introducing the Lotka-Volterra model, this paper analyzes the possible situations of the niche evolution of the emerging industries, and constructs the dynamic equation of the replicator, and obtains the conditions for the A and B to adopt the niche expansion or the maintenance of the original niche strategy, and introduces the situation parameters to analyze the evolutionary game process. Then, the simulation is carried out by the Matlab example, and the near term is combined. Photovoltaic industry in Europe and the United States encountered "double reverse" survey, based on the analysis of evolutionary game, put forward corresponding solutions.
Four, establish a spatial econometric model to explore the main factors affecting spatial form innovation.
Arcgis geographic software is used to draw a four sub map to describe the niche spatial structure of emerging industries. Through the global spatial autocorrelation calculation, it is found that the global spatial dependence is gradually enhanced and the relations between the provinces are also encrypt. Using the Moran scatter plot, the results show that the region has been new in the past 10 years. The innovation level of Xing industry shows a strong trend of agglomeration, and the degree of agglomeration has shown steady growth, and the spatial difference between regions continues to widen. The result of space-time transition measure shows that most of the provinces keep the stability and sustainability in the space, and the innovation is concentrated in a few provinces, forming the Yangtze River Delta. The spatial distribution of emerging industries is calculated by using the space Gini coefficient. The results show that the highest and lowest level of space agglomeration is obvious. The degree of spatial influence is analyzed by the panel model. The results show that the R & D funds and R & D institutions in the RD effect are both on the space basis. The spatial correlation and the influence factors of the spatial pattern innovation of the emerging industries are analyzed by the spatial econometric model. The results show that the spatial error model and the spatial lag model are better than the general panel model after considering the spatial effect, and the export delivery value, the R & D personnel and the new production are made. The calculation results of the spatial convergence show that the differences between different regions in our country are gradually expanding, and a relatively fixed spatial distribution pattern has been gradually presented, and it has a strong locking effect.
Five, measure the evolution factors of the spatial form innovation in the Yangtze River Delta region.
Through the descriptive statistical analysis of the related innovation output data of Shanghai, Zhejiang province and Jiangsu Province, it is found that the emerging industries in the Yangtze River Delta region present the Z shaped distribution pattern at the core of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Suzhou, mainly in the southeast and south of Jiangsu Province, and the electronic information industry is the high technology industry in the Yangtze River Delta region. Secondly, through cointegration test, it is found that there are cointegration relations between the 4 main variables that describe the new industry space form innovation, and then judge the causal relationship between the variables by Grainger causality test method. On this basis, the VAR model is established, and the impulse response function is used to analyze the impact of the endogenous variable on the residual impact, and the use of the impulsive response function is used. The variance decomposition method decomposes the variance contribution of each structural impact on each endogenous variable in each period. Then, through the study of the spatial econometric model, it is found that the main factors affecting the spatial pattern innovation of the new industries in the Yangtze River Delta are foreign investment, the total import and export. The calculation also found that the spatial connections between the 25 cities in the Yangtze River Delta are gradually strengthening, and the spatial dependence is becoming more and more significant.
Six, put forward the niche optimization strategy for the innovation of new industrial spatial form.
This paper introduces the strategy of niche separation, the expansion strategy, the K-R strategy, the connotations and characteristics of the alliance strategy, and uses the industrial spatial concentration index to calculate the spatial distribution of the emerging industries. Again, taking the digital TV industry as an example, the application of niche strategy in the digital TV industry development is discussed in detail.
The main innovation of this study is:
(1) research perspective Innovation: applying niche theory to the research of emerging industries, observing the change process of spatial form innovation of emerging industries from the angle of niche, corresponding to the spatial, morphological and dynamic three levels of spatial form innovation, from the measurement of niche, the evolution of niche, the spatial structure of niche, and the niche of ecological niche. The optimization strategy and other aspects have analyzed the evolution process of spatial form innovation and enriched the application of ecological methods in economic research.
(2) the research content innovation: the spatial form innovation theory is put forward systematically, and the methods of spatial, morphological and dynamic analysis are applied to explore the content of the new industry space form innovation from the three aspects of spatial, morphological and dynamic, which have enriched the research of industrial innovation, especially in the spatial form level. From the point of view of niche, this paper calculates the situation of the spatial distribution of the emerging industries, finds out the spatial distribution characteristics of the "ship anchor" type, and innovatively proposes that the result of the competition is determined not only by the occupation of the element resources, but also on the occupancy of the element resources. The niche breadth and diversity of resources among the competitors, which also provides a new solution for the application of innovative resources in the backward regions of the central and western regions. Secondly, the study of morphological characteristics. Through the introduction of the Lotka-Volterra biological model to analyze the niche evolution path of the spatial pattern innovation of the emerging industries and discover the overlap of the niche. The situation determines the evolution form of the emerging industry, and draws on the analysis method of evolutionary game theory. By constructing the dynamic equation of the replicator, we can get the evolutionary stability strategy of the emerging industries to expand or maintain the niche, and find the factors affecting the evolution form, such as the government subsidy, the market expected return rate, the niche situation value, the innovation cost and so on. At the same time, according to the actual case background of the development of the photovoltaic industry, according to the analysis of the evolutionary game, the corresponding solutions are obtained. Thirdly, the dynamic research is studied. The spatial measurement method is used to study the dynamic characteristics of the spatial pattern innovation of the emerging industries. It is found that the spatial locking effect is not often obvious, and the dynamic characteristics of the space form innovation are mainly affected. The factors include export delivery value, R & D expenditure and technical transformation funds. The calculation of space convergence also shows that there is no convergence and absolute convergence in emerging industries, but there is a beta condition convergence, which indicates that the spatial differentiation of innovation is gradually increasing, but the conditional convergence can be achieved under certain conditions. These convergent conditions are heavy. In view of the importance of the factors such as RD personnel, RD funds, technology digestion and absorption, and through the empirical study of the emerging industries in the Yangtze River Delta region, the main factors affecting the innovation of the spatial form of the emerging industries in the Yangtze River Delta region, as well as the optimal strategy for the implementation of the new industry space form innovation are put forward.


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