[Abstract]:In this paper, we use input-output model to study the macroeconomic effects of China's R & D industry. The employment effect of R & D industry is in the middle position in the service industry. The rate of return on investment in R & D is low, the industry has no endogenous development ability, but the operating surplus coefficient has an upward trend. The final consumption coefficient of R & D industry is in the front position in the service industry, and it is an important service industry to promote consumption. But the consumption of R & D industry is mainly reflected in government consumption, the resident consumption is very little, and the final consumption coefficient has a downward trend. The export effect of R & D industry is weak and its output has little effect on export, but the momentum of increasing its impact on export has been formed. The import coefficient of R & D industry occupies the first place in the service industry, and its dependence on imports and imports has been formed, and it will maintain this trend for a long time. The R & D industry's export labor consumption coefficient and employment multiplier are larger.
【作者单位】: 江苏师范大学商学院;中国人民银行灌云县支行;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“科学研究事业的产业关联效应研究——以东部经济发达地区为例”(12YJC790160) 江苏省社科基金项目“苏北新型城镇化与江苏区域协调发展研究”(15EYD005)
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