发布时间:2018-08-06 12:17
【摘要】:区域化经济合作已成为当今世界经济发展的一个大趋势,在这种经济发展背景下,处在同一自由贸易区内的国家,他们之间的经济联系日趋紧密,逐渐会形成不可分割的共同利益,实现共同繁荣与发展将成为自由贸易区可持续发展的基础。老挝与中国在经济、文化和社会体制上存在许多互通之处,两国在经贸关系上长期保持着密切的联系。尽管两国在经济发展上存在巨大差距,但是老中两国都积极推进双边贸易的发展,尤其是老挝作为东盟成员国,发展对华关系成为老,挝重点关注的课题。 1997年的亚洲金融危机过后,东盟与中国的经济关系发展迅速,双边贸易额保持高速增长,合作范围也持续扩大和深入。在此背景下,东盟与中国建立自由贸易区,不仅有利于各国的经济发展,也有助于促进地区的稳定,符合全世界的共同利益。2010年,中国—东盟自由贸易区建成,作为与中国陆路接壤的少数东盟成员国之一,老挝的重要作用和地位进一步凸显,成为东盟与中国深化发展的桥头堡。 本文在中国—东盟自由贸易区的背景下,分三个部分探讨老挝与中国的经贸发展:首先,对当前的贸易理论进行梳理,重点阐述国际贸易理论和国际投资理论,从而为全文形成理论铺垫;其次,对中国—东盟自由贸易区合作框架进行了分析,简明扼要的阐述了自由贸易区形成的背景,以及自贸区合作框架的基石,并在此基础上阐述了自贸区的特点,从而为本文的研究提供现实基础:最后,在对老挝与中国经贸发展的现状分析后,结合实证分析方法,探究了老挝与中国经贸发展的特点和存在的问题,同时指出中国—东盟自由区的成立对推动老挝对华贸易具有重要作用,然后在此基础上,针对两国在经贸合作上具有的技术、资源、资本和市场互补优势,提出结合政府手段,发挥互补优势,从而实现增进两国经贸合作、强化两国经贸联系、实现互利共赢的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Regional economic cooperation has become a major trend in the economic development of the world today. In the context of such economic development, countries in the same free trade area have increasingly close economic ties between them. The realization of common prosperity and development will become the foundation of sustainable development of free trade area. Although there is a huge gap in economic development between the two countries, both Laos and China are actively promoting the development of bilateral trade. In particular, as a member of ASEAN, Laos has developed relations with China to become old. After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the economic relations between ASEAN and China have developed rapidly, bilateral trade volume has maintained a rapid growth, and the scope of cooperation has continued to expand and deepen. In this context, the establishment of a free trade area between ASEAN and China is not only conducive to the economic development of all countries, but also contributes to regional stability and conforms to the common interests of the whole world. In 2010, the China-ASEAN Free Trade area was established. As one of the few ASEAN members bordering on land with China, Laos plays an important role and becomes a bridgehead for the further development of ASEAN and China. Under the background of China-ASEAN Free Trade area, this paper discusses the economic and trade development between Laos and China in three parts: firstly, the current trade theory is combed, with emphasis on international trade theory and international investment theory. Secondly, it analyzes the cooperation framework of China-ASEAN Free Trade area, and briefly expounds the background of the formation of free trade area, as well as the foundation stone of free trade area cooperation framework. On this basis, the characteristics of the free trade area are expounded, which provides a realistic basis for the research of this paper. Finally, after analyzing the current situation of economic and trade development between Laos and China, the paper combines the empirical analysis method. This paper probes into the characteristics and problems of the economic and trade development between Laos and China, and at the same time points out that the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Zone plays an important role in promoting Laos's trade with China. Then, on this basis, aiming at the technology of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, The complementary advantages of resources, capital and market are put forward in order to enhance the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, strengthen the economic and trade ties between the two countries, and realize mutual benefit and win-win.
[Abstract]:Regional economic cooperation has become a major trend in the economic development of the world today. In the context of such economic development, countries in the same free trade area have increasingly close economic ties between them. The realization of common prosperity and development will become the foundation of sustainable development of free trade area. Although there is a huge gap in economic development between the two countries, both Laos and China are actively promoting the development of bilateral trade. In particular, as a member of ASEAN, Laos has developed relations with China to become old. After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the economic relations between ASEAN and China have developed rapidly, bilateral trade volume has maintained a rapid growth, and the scope of cooperation has continued to expand and deepen. In this context, the establishment of a free trade area between ASEAN and China is not only conducive to the economic development of all countries, but also contributes to regional stability and conforms to the common interests of the whole world. In 2010, the China-ASEAN Free Trade area was established. As one of the few ASEAN members bordering on land with China, Laos plays an important role and becomes a bridgehead for the further development of ASEAN and China. Under the background of China-ASEAN Free Trade area, this paper discusses the economic and trade development between Laos and China in three parts: firstly, the current trade theory is combed, with emphasis on international trade theory and international investment theory. Secondly, it analyzes the cooperation framework of China-ASEAN Free Trade area, and briefly expounds the background of the formation of free trade area, as well as the foundation stone of free trade area cooperation framework. On this basis, the characteristics of the free trade area are expounded, which provides a realistic basis for the research of this paper. Finally, after analyzing the current situation of economic and trade development between Laos and China, the paper combines the empirical analysis method. This paper probes into the characteristics and problems of the economic and trade development between Laos and China, and at the same time points out that the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Zone plays an important role in promoting Laos's trade with China. Then, on this basis, aiming at the technology of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, The complementary advantages of resources, capital and market are put forward in order to enhance the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, strengthen the economic and trade ties between the two countries, and realize mutual benefit and win-win.
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