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发布时间:2018-08-07 10:04
【摘要】:收入差距问题是当前学术界研究的重点问题之一,收入差距问题不仅关系到人民的生活问题,而且与经济、社会的可持续发展密切相关,不适度甚至过大的收入差距将不利于社会稳定和经济发展。但是,收入差距是发展中国家在经济转型过程中必然要经历的一个问题。与大多数发展中国家一样,我国经济快速发展的转型时期,与之相伴的是收入差距的不断扩大。中国收入差距的不断拉大已影响到了中国经济的可持续发展和全面小康社会的建立。尽管中国收入差距问题与中国国民收入初次分配中资本规模不断攀升,劳动者报酬占比逐年下降密切相关,但也离不开国民收入的二次调配。在中国经济面临结构转型的大环境下,“十二五规划”也将民生问题提到了前所未有的战略高度。合理调整收入分配已成为当前加快转变经济增长方式的重中之重。 近年来,中国的收入差距问题得到了众多学者的关注,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。但是,鲜有学者关注到中国收入差距是伴随着中国贸易自由化进程的不断推进而逐年扩大的。自改革开放以来,特别是1992年邓小平同志南巡后,中国加大了贸易自由化进程,这有力的促进了中国经济的快速增长,随着中国顺利加入WTO,中国已成为世界公认的贸易大国。但贸易自由化进程的加快时期也是中国收入差距不断扩大的时期。贸易自由化进程本质上是利益重新分配、资源重新配置的过程,其一方面推进了一国经济福利的增长,但也会对一国内部不同地区、行业和阶层间的收入分配格局产生影响。根据现有贸易理论,贸易自由化对发展中国家的收入分配影响方向是不确定的。因此,本文在梳理相关理论文献的基础上,通过分析贸易自由化影响收入差距的传输路径,重点研究了贸易自由化对中国收入差距的影响。 本文的研究内容主要包括文献综述、中国贸易自由化进程和收入差距现状以及贸易自由化影响收入差距的实证研究。全文共分为七章,各章的具体内容和结论如下: 第一章为导论,主要介绍本文的研究背景、研究方法、逻辑思路、研究内容以及研究意义等。 第二章对贸易自由化影响收入差距的相关贸易理论进行了梳理。从贸易自由化影响收入差距的理论发展来看,早在以李嘉图模型(David Richardo Model)为代表的古典贸易理论就开始涉及国际贸易的收入分配效应。而以完全竞争市场等一些列假设条件为前提的新古典贸易理论则较为完整、系统的研究了国际贸易的收入分配效应,该理论以H-O理论和S-S定理为代表。此后,新贸易理论将技术进步融入到国际贸易中,不但解释了新出现的产业内贸易模式,也开始关注贸易和技术创新对要素收入的影响以及在南北贸易中国际贸易对工资收入的影响。而随着外包开始在国际贸易中出现,基于中间产品贸易的新新贸易理论随之诞生,新新贸易理论不但解释了发展中国家中间产品贸易的发展对其收入差距扩大的影响,同时也对发达国家收入差距的扩大给出了相应的解释。 第三章主要分析了中国贸易自由化趋势与收入差距现状,在此基础上分析了贸易自由化影响收入差距的传导路径。自上世纪90年代以来,随着中国贸易自由化程度的不断深化,经济快速增长,中国收入差距不断扩大,中国基尼系数总体趋势呈现上升趋势。中国收入差距具体表现在地区收入差距,城乡收入差距,技术工人与非技术工人收入差距等方面。从影响中国收入差距的原因来看,主要包括垄断因素、人力资本差异、制度因素、要素市场扭曲、城乡二元结构等。而贸易自由化影响收入分配的传导路基主要包括:(1)贸易自由化通过价格变动影响收入分配;(2)贸易自由化通过产业结构调整影响收入分配;(3)贸易自由化通过就业渠道影响收入分配;(4)贸易自由化通过政府作用影响收入分配。 第四章实证检验了贸易自由化对地区收入差距的影响。该部分利用CHNS数据库对中国城市和农村地区的居民收入差距进行了测度,通过建立贸易自由化程度的衡量指标,在此基础上构建面板回归模型,检验了贸易自由化对中国城市和农村地区收入差距的影响。研究结果表明,贸易自由化有较强的异质作用。(1)贸易自由化拉大了城市和农村地区的收入差距;(2)相对劳动力要素流动较低的地区,贸易自由化在劳动力要素较高的地区有利于缩小收入差距。 第五章基于CHIP数据,将样本分为贸易部门和非贸易部门,从行业角度对贸易自由化对我国收入差异进行了较为系统的研究。研究发现1988-2002年贸易部门收入水平显著低于非贸易部门,而2007年贸易部门收入却高于非贸易部门,贸易部门与非贸易部门这种收入差异的变化趋势与初中和大专以上学历教育回报率成一定相似变化趋势。通过对样本分类研究发现,第一,贸易自由化提高了贸易部门的非技术劳动者的收入水平;第二,贸易部门与非贸易部门大专及以上教育(技术劳动)回报率均呈上升趋势,2002年及以前非贸易部门大专及以上教育程度的回报率明显高于贸易部门,但2007年却低于贸易部门;第三,教育对收入差距的贡献越来越大,贸易部门的技能工人教育回报率低于非贸易部门是导致2002以前贸易部门收入水平低于非贸易部门的主因。 第六章重点考察了贸易自由化对技术与非技术工人收入差距的影响。通过建立一般均衡模型表明,贸易自由化将引起发展中国家的技术“追赶”,这种技术“追赶”无论是中性还是有偏的都将引起发展中国家向技术密集型产品转向,从而增加对技能工人的需求,提高技能工人收入,扩大技能工人与非技能工人的收入差距。并基于CGSS数据库,对此进行了经验验证,结果表明,贸易自由化有利于提高非技术工人和技术工人的收入水平,但是非技术劳动力贸易开放的收入回报率低于技能工人的收入回报率,即贸易自由化拉大技能与非技能工人的收入差距。 第7章是全文的总结,本章总结了全文的研究结论,阐述了文章的政策含义,并提出本文的研究启示和未来的研究方向。 本文在吸收和借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,考察贸易自由化对我国收入差距的影响,具有一定的创新性:(1)当前国内对贸易自由化对收入差距影响的研究主要是采用FDI、贸易来检验收入差距,缺少深入系统的分析贸易自由化影响收入差距的原因,本课题通过建模和实证方法深入分析贸易自由化影响的收入差距的原因、机制及路径选择;(2)本文依据各地区行业关税和关税保护率,以行业就业人口为权重创新性的建立地区关税水平和地区关税保护率来衡量地区贸易自由化程度,同时在数据选择上,本文主要采用微观数据和方法更为直接来研究贸易自由化对收入差距的影响;(3)本文从不同角度较为全面的研究贸易自由化对收入差距的影响,不但研究了贸易自由化对地区和行业收入差距的影响,还研究了贸易自由化对技术与非技术工人之间的收入差距,并建立一般均衡模型对此进行了解释。 贸易自由化与劳动力市场之间相互关系问题是一个复杂且不断变化的课题,限于自己的理论水平、计量模型操作经验相对缺乏以及中国经济数据特别是微观数据缺乏等影响,本研究对于该课题中的许多探索和研究分析难免不够透彻和深入,此外受模型中的变量选择、数据整理和评估方法差异的影响,也可能会对本文最终的计量结果产生影响,以上问题将在今后的研究中通过完善理论知识、实证模型、细化指标及改进计量方法来逐步加以改善。
[Abstract]:The income gap is one of the key problems in the current academic research. The income gap is not only related to the people's life problems, but also closely related to the economy and the sustainable development of the society. The disparities of the income gap will not benefit the social stability and the economic development. However, the income gap is the economic turn of the developing countries. Like most developing countries, the transition period of China's rapid economic development is accompanied by the continuous expansion of the income gap. The widening of the income gap in China has affected the sustainable development of China's economy and the establishment of a well-off society in an all-round way. The problem is closely related to the rising capital scale in the initial distribution of China's national income and the decline of the remuneration of workers, but it is also inseparable from the two allocation of national income. In the environment of structural transformation of China's economy, the "12th Five-Year plan" also mentioned the unprecedented strategic height of the people's livelihood issues. Allocation has become the top priority in accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic growth.
In recent years, China's income gap has been paid much attention by many scholars and has achieved fruitful research results. However, few scholars have noticed that China's income gap has been increasing with the continuous progress of China's trade liberalization process. Since the reform and opening up, it is especially after Comrade Deng Xiaoping's southern tour in 1992, and China has increased The process of trade liberalization has greatly promoted the rapid growth of China's economy. With China's smooth entry into the WTO, China has become a recognized trade power in the world. However, the accelerated period of trade liberalization is also a period of increasing income gap in China. The process of trade liberalization is essentially redistribution of interests and redistribution of resources. The process, on the one hand, promotes the growth of a country's economic welfare, but it also affects the distribution pattern of income distribution between different regions, industries and classes within a country. According to the existing trade theory, the direction of the influence of trade liberalization to the income distribution of developing countries is uncertain. Therefore, this paper is to comb the basis of the relevant theoretical literature. On the other hand, through the analysis of the transmission path of trade liberalization affecting income gap, this paper focuses on the impact of trade liberalization on China's income gap.
The main contents of this paper include literature review, China's trade liberalization process and income gap, as well as the empirical research on the impact of trade liberalization on income gap. The full text is divided into seven chapters. The contents and conclusions of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter is an introduction, which mainly introduces the research background, research methods, logical thinking, research contents and research significance.
In the second chapter, the theory of trade liberalization affecting income gap is combed. From the view of the theory of trade liberalization affecting income gap, the classical trade theory, represented by the Ricardo model (David Richardo Model), begins to involve the income distribution effect of international trade. The new classical trade theory with the premise of the premise is more complete. It systematically studies the income distribution effect of international trade. The theory is represented by the H-O theory and the S-S theorem. After that, the new trade theory integrates technological progress into the international trade. It not only explains the newly emerging intra industry trade model, but also begins to pay attention to trade and technology. The influence of innovation on factor income and the impact of international trade on wage income in the north and South trade. With the emergence of outsourcing in international trade, new new trade theory based on intermediate product trade is born, and the new new trade theory not only explains the development of product trade between developing countries and the widening of its income gap. It also explains the enlargement of the income gap in developed countries.
The third chapter mainly analyzes the trend of China's trade liberalization and the income gap. On the basis of this, it analyzes the transmission path of the trade liberalization that affects the income gap. Since the 90s of last century, with the deepening of the degree of trade liberalization in China, the rapid economic growth, the increasing income gap in China, the overall trend of the Gini coefficient in China The income gap in China is manifested in the regional income gap, the income gap between the urban and rural areas, the income gap between the technical workers and the unskilled workers. From the factors that affect the income gap in China, the main factors include the monopoly factors, the human capital differences, the institutional factors, the factor market distortion, the urban and rural two yuan structure and so on. The subgrade which affects the distribution of income distribution mainly includes: (1) trade liberalization affects income distribution through price changes; (2) trade liberalization affects income distribution through industrial restructuring; (3) trade liberalization affects income distribution through employment channels; (4) trade liberalization affects income distribution through government action.
The fourth chapter empirically examines the impact of trade liberalization on regional income gap. This part uses the CHNS database to measure the income gap between urban and rural areas in China. By establishing a measure of the degree of trade liberalization, a panel regression model is built on this basis, and the trade liberalization has been tested for Chinese cities and farmers. The research results show that trade liberalization has a strong heterogeneity. (1) trade liberalization has widened the income gap between urban and rural areas; (2) in areas with relatively low labor factors, trade liberalization in areas with higher labor factors is conducive to narrowing the income gap.
The fifth chapter, based on CHIP data, divides the sample into trade sector and non trade sector. From the perspective of industry, trade liberalization has carried out a more systematic study of China's income differences. The study found that the income level of the trade sector was significantly lower than the non trade sector in the 1988-2002 years, while the 2007 trade sector was higher than the non trade sector and the trade sector. The change trend of the income difference with the non trade sector is similar to the return on education of junior high school and higher education. First, trade liberalization improves the income level of non technical workers in the trade sector; and second, higher education and higher education in the trade and non trade sectors ( The return rate of technical labor is increasing, and the rate of return on education in non trade sectors in 2002 and before is significantly higher than that in the trade sector, but in 2007 it is lower than the trade sector; third, the contribution of education to the income gap is increasing, and the rate of return on the education of skilled workers in the trade sector is lower than that of the non trade sector by 2002. The income level of the former trade sector is lower than that of the non trade sector.
The sixth chapter focuses on the impact of trade liberalization on the income gap between technology and non technology workers. Through the establishment of a general equilibrium model, it is shown that trade liberalization will cause technology "catching up" in developing countries, which will lead to the turn of developing countries to technology intensive products, whether neutral or biased. In order to increase the demand for skilled workers, increase the income of skilled workers, expand the income gap between skilled workers and unskilled workers, and based on the CGSS database, the empirical test shows that trade liberalization is conducive to improving the income level of non skilled workers and skilled workers, but the income of the non-technical labor trade is open. The rate of return is lower than that of skilled workers, that is, trade liberalisation widen the income gap between skilled and unskilled workers.
Chapter 7 is the summary of the full text. This chapter summarizes the conclusions of the full text, expounds the policy implications of the article, and puts forward the Enlightenment of this study and future research directions.
On the basis of absorbing and drawing lessons from domestic and foreign research results, this paper examines the impact of trade liberalization on China's income gap. (1) the current domestic research on the impact of trade liberalization on income gap is mainly using FDI, trade to test income gap, and the lack of in-depth systematic analysis of the impact of trade liberalization. The reason for the gap is to analyze the reasons, mechanisms and path choices of the income gap influenced by trade liberalization through modeling and empirical methods. (2) this paper is based on the tariff and tariff protection rates of various industries in each area, and measures the region by the tariff level and the regional tariff protection rate with the weight and innovation of the industry employed population as the weight innovation. The degree of trade liberalization, and in the selection of data, this article mainly uses micro data and methods to study the impact of trade liberalization on the income gap. (3) this paper studies the impact of trade liberalization on income gap from different angles and studies not only the income gap between trade liberalization and trade liberalization, but also on the income gap between trade liberalization and industry. This paper also studies the effect of trade liberalization on the income gap between skilled and unskilled workers, and establishes a general equilibrium model to explain it.
The relationship between trade liberalization and the labor market is a complex and changing subject. It is limited to its own theoretical level, the relative lack of operational experience of measurement models, and the lack of China's economic data, especially the lack of microcosmic data. This study is insufficiently thorough for the exploration and analysis of the subject. In addition, the influence of the selection of variables in the model, the difference of data sorting and evaluation methods may also affect the final measurement results of this article. The above problems will be gradually improved by improving the theoretical knowledge, empirical model, refining index and improving measurement methods in the future research.


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