[Abstract]:Industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, information technology and greening are the important support of social modernization strategy. " In recent years, coordinated quantitative evaluation is a hot research topic. Through combing and summing up the quantitative research on the coordinated development of "five modernizations" in China, it is found that the connotation of the coordinated development of the "five modernizations" in the country is different from that of the "five modernizations", and the single index is often chosen in the evaluation. There are few subjective evaluation methods such as Analytic hierarchy process and subjective and objective evaluation combined with less than .3 coordination level. The main research methods are coupling degree, coupling coordination degree, relationship fitting and trend forecasting method and DEA dynamic efficiency HR model. The synchronization degree model and so on, and appeared the systematic research method as well as the many kinds of methods intersection, the research method level unceasingly raised .4 the spatial analysis method is mainly the spatial classification and the exploratory spatial data analysis, the spatial center of gravity shifts the track, The dynamic evolution of spatial pattern, spatial trend analysis and other research methods have gradually appeared in the mechanism analysis of spatio-temporal differentiation, which is mainly based on the interpretation of influence factors and multiple linear regression models. Spatial lag model (SLM), spatial error model (SEM), geo-weighted regression model (GWR) and other regression models taking spatial factors into account began to appear. However, the process and stage analysis of "transformation", the turning point of coordinated development between "transformation" and "transformation" and the analysis of transformation mechanism are insufficient. According to the analysis of the research progress, this paper reflects on the research paradigm, index selection and weight calculation, research methods, spatial analysis technology, and the explanation of the mechanism of space-time differentiation. This paper puts forward to strengthen the internal mechanism and evaluation dimension analysis of the coordinated development of "five transformation", strengthen the rational research of index system construction and weight setting, adopt the multi-element "five turns" coordination degree evaluation method, and strengthen the comprehensive application of spatial analysis technology. To promote the combination of quantitative and qualitative interpretation and other suggestions.
【作者单位】: 河南大学环境与规划学院黄河中下游数字地理重点实验室;中原经济区三化协调发展河南省协同创新中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41271144) 河南省教育厅人文社科一般项目(2016-qn-016)~~
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