[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society and the arrival of the era of network information, the reserve of talents and technical knowledge becomes the key to the sustainable development of a country's economy, and human capital becomes the key factor to promote the economic development. The contribution of human capital to economic growth has also become a hot topic at home and abroad. Guizhou Province is located inland, is rich in natural resources and underdeveloped in the western region, the main economic indicators rank at the bottom of the country. Although the economic growth rate of Guizhou has been rising all the way in recent years, the economic development is still at a low level because of the low starting point of economic development. As the source of modern economic growth, human capital is an important engine to promote the development of modern economy, and also the inexhaustible power of sustained, rapid and healthy economic development, which plays a decisive role in the development of social economy. At present, Guizhou is in a critical period of opening up, changing the mode of economic growth and optimizing the industrial structure. The contribution of the quality and structure of human capital to economic growth is correctly understood and deeply analyzed. On the basis of this, the relevant countermeasures to increase the accumulation of human capital are not only related to whether the economic optimization and upgrading and structural transformation can be completed smoothly, but also to the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the economy. So, how much contribution rate of Guizhou human capital to economic growth is the main factor to promote economic development? What can we do to keep the economy developing at a faster pace and restructuring the economy? In view of these problems, the paper studies the contribution rate of the material capital stock and human capital stock in the economic growth of Guizhou province, especially analyzes the promoting effect of human capital on the economic growth. According to the current situation of industrial structure and human capital in Guizhou Province and according to Cobb-Douglas production function, this paper takes the contribution rate of human capital to economic growth in Guizhou Province as the research object. The sample range is 1990-2013. By using effective labor model and human capital externality model, taking the regional GDP as dependent variable, material capital stock and human capital stock as independent variables, Eviews regression analysis is used. The contribution rate of material capital to economic growth calculated by effective labor model is 62.16, the contribution rate of human capital stock is 28.55, and the contribution rate of comprehensive elements is 9.29. The contribution rate of physical capital to economic growth is 64.69, the contribution rate of human capital stock is 26.72, the contribution rate of human capital level is 3.89, and the contribution rate of comprehensive elements is 4.70. According to the effective labor model and the externality model of human capital, the direct contribution rate of human capital is 28.65, the indirect contribution rate is 2.19, and the total contribution rate is 30.83. From this analysis, it is concluded that Guizhou's economic growth mainly depends on a large amount of investment of material capital, which indicates that the mode of Guizhou's economic development needs to be changed urgently. According to the problems existing in the stock and quality of human capital in Guizhou province, the paper puts forward that we should increase the investment in higher education, allocate educational resources rationally, increase the intensity of investment in science and technology, and transform the rural population into the motive force of economic growth. Introduction of human capital and human capital investment outside the region, improve the level of medical security and other policy recommendations.
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