[Abstract]:In recent years, against the background of the rise of the central region, the six central provinces have achieved a great leap forward in all aspects of their work. The economy has steadily improved, the society has made all-round progress, the people's living standards have been improved, and the ecological environment and living environment have been gradually improved. Economist Fan Gang once said: "the central region is the region with the most potential for development and the most room for growth in the future." these are all inseparable from the central government's high attention to the central region and its policy bias. At the same time, the problem of self-development ability in the process of re-development has attracted people's attention. In the final analysis, if the central region wants to develop steadily and solve the problems and contradictions in the course of development fundamentally, it must strengthen the self-development ability of the central region. Since the beginning of the 10th Five-Year Plan, the central government has put forward the strategy of the rise of the central region. All the provinces in the central region have deeply excavated the strategic connotation and made efforts to cope with the development opportunities and challenges it brings. It is believed that the core of the development of the central region in the future is to strive to create urban agglomerations. To achieve the overall development of the whole region. Under the new situation, the key period of carrying out the strategy of the rise of the central region in depth must be to strengthen the self-development ability as the main line, and to focus on the development of the urban agglomeration becomes the bridgehead for the development of the central region. How to get rid of the existing predicament and realize the qualitative leap is an important part of the rise of central China in the future. The most fundamental way out for regional sustainable development is to tap its own development potential capital, raise the level of economic, social, scientific and technological levels in the region, and stimulate the development of the whole region by stimulating regional endogenous forces. That is, to achieve regional sustainable development through the promotion of regional self-development ability. Urban agglomeration, as a benchmark to drive the rise of central China, should excavate the new economy of urban agglomeration and serve as a booster to promote the ability of regional self-development. From the perspective of the meso perspective, this study regards the regional self-development ability as a comprehensive ability of the interaction of the four dimensions of competence, and adopts a combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and so on. Through selecting appropriate inspection indexes, the evaluation index system of self-development ability of urban agglomeration in central China is constructed, and the self-development ability of central urban agglomeration in three years is calculated by using the statistical data of each city in 2007 / 2010 and 2013. The results show that the self-development ability of the central urban agglomeration is on the low side, the development is not balanced, and the five sub-urban agglomerations of the central urban agglomeration are also unbalanced; The internal structure of the self-development ability system is not reasonable, and there is no consistency among the four dimensions. Especially, the dimension of innovation cultivation ability is too low and becomes a short board to improve the level of self-development ability, which is seriously out of balance with the other three dimensions. How to make the internal structure reasonable in the future development and form a high level of coordinated development level will become a problem to be solved. The self-development ability and internal four dimensions of central urban agglomeration and each sub-urban agglomeration have their own obvious evolution trend in time and space. At present, the most important and key task is to increase the cultivation of the self-development ability of central urban agglomeration, and to take the direction, opportunity and motive force of the self-development ability of the central urban agglomeration. As the four basic elements of the development of the urban agglomeration in central China, the foundation has created a unique model of cultivating self-development ability, such as "Hefei Model" and "Hefei Speed". The unique endogenous economic growth model can help the central urban agglomeration to develop itself in the future.
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