[Abstract]:In the first half of 2017, China's macro economy showed two basic characteristics: rebound and differentiation. With the trend differentiation between macro volume and price as the representative, the Chinese economy shows a wider range and more differentiation characteristics in the process of rebound. The main problems of China's economy are short-term macroeconomic transmission and long-term productivity decline. This reflects all kinds of structural contradictions between the release of various risks accumulated in China's economic cyclical downturn and the tightening of domestic policies, the weakening of traditional kinetic energy and the gestation of a new cycle. This new cycle of the world is difficult to support China's cycle transition, but the pull on the Chinese economy has given us more time to solve internal structural problems. In order to really start the new cycle, we need to solve the problem of China's macroeconomic transmission through a new round of reform and opening up, and take the construction of new kinetic energy as the core power source to breed the new cycle. In response, the author puts forward the core concern and new model of the new reform.
【基金】:“中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心”子项目“认识适应和引领经济新常态研究”阶段性研究成果 国家社科基金重点项目“中高速增长阶段收入分配调整与产业结构升级研究”(14AZD019) 中央在京高校重大成果转化项目“京津冀协同一体化发展研究” 国家社会科学基金青年项目“延迟退休对我国劳动力市场的影响及其作用机制研究”(16CJL049)的资助
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