[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, economic development has achieved remarkable results. During this period, with the rapid expansion of wholesale and retail enterprises at home and abroad, the wholesale and retail industry of our country has also entered an all-round and rapid development period. Along with the rapid development of wholesale and retail industry in China, the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing has also obtained unprecedented development and promotion. Along with the level and level of socialization trend has been further strengthened, and then in this process, wholesale and retail industry plays an important role in the development of social production, is an important link in the process of economic development. It plays an important role in the socio-economic development of a country or region in terms of the speed of economic development, the quality of economic development and the level of economic development benefits. Beijing wholesale and retail trade also has some problems that can not be ignored. Beijing began in the early 1990s, aiming at the wholesale and retail market relatively chaotic situation to carry on the transformation. With the development of economy and society, while positioning the functions of the city, Beijing begins to think about how to adjust and optimize the industrial structure and how to improve the income of residents. These adjustments will bring opportunities and challenges to the wholesale and retail trade in Beijing. These are the urgent problems facing the wholesale and retail trade in Beijing, but at the same time, the wholesale and retail trade in Beijing is also facing unprecedented opportunities for development. Solving the problem of wholesale and retail trade is of great significance to solve the problem of the development direction of wholesale and retail trade. For example, wholesale and retail trade can provide a large number of employment opportunities and play a unique role in stabilizing the economy and employment. Therefore, it is necessary to study and discuss the economic impact of the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing. This paper mainly studies and analyzes the industrial connection of the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing from the angle of the industrial connection of the related industries of the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing. And provide reference and theoretical basis for the local government to formulate relevant industrial policies. As far as this article is concerned, it is divided into five parts. Firstly, the domestic and foreign relevant research literature on wholesale and retail trade are reviewed, and the purpose and significance of the research are clarified. Then mainly from the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing related industry correlation analysis and research, and draw on and use the relevant economic impact theory, the development of Beijing wholesale and retail industry status quo is analyzed in detail. From the perspective of the influence of wholesale and retail trade on social consumption in Beijing, and the intermediate investment and demand of wholesale and retail industry in Beijing, an empirical study is carried out. In-depth analysis and research on the industrial association and the industrial correlation effect of wholesale and retail industry in Beijing are carried out in many aspects. Finally, on the basis of summarizing the existing problems, this paper puts forward the problems and advantages of Beijing on the basis of the existing wholesale and retail trade in Beijing, and puts forward concrete countermeasures and suggestions from the aspect of policy formulation. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development and promotion of wholesale and retail in Beijing, this paper puts forward how to adjust the structure and support the industry of the relevant departments in Beijing. Finally, this paper summarizes the problems of wholesale and retail trade in employment, national economy development, inter-industry correlation effect, and puts forward some policy suggestions in view of the problems existing in the wholesale and retail trade. This paper proposes to optimize the internal structure of the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing, further expand the industrial scale of the wholesale and retail industry in Beijing, and further enhance the ability of industrial innovation and management innovation, etc.
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