[Abstract]:The theory and practice of economic and social development in our country have shown that income distribution affects the consumption of residents to a great extent, and the optimization of income distribution structure not only plays a role in expanding domestic demand, but also is conducive to the upgrading of consumption structure. Promote the sustainable development of the economy. Jiangsu, as a strong economic province in China, compared with Shanghai and Zhejiang, the growth potential of residents' income needs to be excavated, the gap of income distribution needs to be narrowed, and the structure of income distribution needs to be optimized. Therefore, we must persist in focusing on the policy orientation of enriching the people, not only create an innovative atmosphere, promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation to enrich the people, but also deepen reform measures, optimize the distribution structure, stimulate the vitality of social wealth creation, and promote the coordinated development of residents' income and economy.
【作者单位】: 南京大学商学院;
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