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The Natural Resource Curse Theory:Causes and Solutions for S

发布时间:2020-12-14 19:27
  资源诅咒理论(RCT)最早出现在1990年的理查德·奥蒂(Richard Auty)的著作中,该书以新自由主义发展经济学为基础,对发展进行了思想论述。拥有丰富自然资源的发展中国家被这种财富所诅咒,特别是矿产和石油储量丰富的国家。根据20世纪70年代至90年代的比较统计数据,资源诅咒理论的声称,拥有丰富资源的发展中国家与没有类似自然资源的发展中国家(如韩国)相比,经济增长表现与其试图实现工业化并改善其社会福利的成效较差。根据资源诅咒理论家的观点,与20世纪40年代和50年代的现代化理论的假设不同。后者认为自然资源的丰富是资本快速积累的动力,资本迅速积累将成为资源丰富的发展中国家快速工业化和持续经济增长的主要点。而这些国家,尤其是撒哈拉以南非洲国家,经历了经济衰退趋势、系统性腐败、内战、政治不稳定以及人民生活和福利普遍下降。因此,根据资源诅咒理论家的观点,资源贫乏的发展中国家之所以繁荣,是因为他们一直在寻找出口导向的“自由市场”,例如开放贸易;自然资源丰富的发展中国家都在寻求让它们回归的“自给自足”(高度管制)政策。因此,这些理论家得出结论,解决资源诅咒的方法在于自由市场政策。本文从政治经... 

【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:169 页


Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. Introduction
    1.1 Study background
    1.2 Research questions
    1.3 Hypothesis
    1.4 Research significance
    1.5 Literature review
    1.6 Research goals
    1.7 Methodology
    1.8 Structure of the thesis
2. The natural resource curse theory
    2.1 What Is a "Natural Resource"
    2.2 What Is The "Natural Resource Curse"
    2.3 The Dutch Disease
    2.4 Why Natural resource wealth can become a curse
3. Sub-Saharan African countries are under the natural resource curse
    3.1 The rich natural resources
    3.2 The underdevelopment
    3.3 Impacts of the resource curse in some Sub-Saharan A frican countries
4. Why are African countries under the curse?
    4.1 Natural resources as a factor of geopolitics conflicts in Africa
    4.2 Separatism and troubles
    4.3 The Rent-seeking and his effects
    4.4 Corruption
    4.5 Disparities in terms of natural endowments
5. Some solutions to turn the abundance of the resources from curse to blessing
    5.1 Economic solutions
    5.2 Political solutions
    5.3 Transparency and good governance
    5.4 Education
    5.5 Agriculture and manufacturing Improvement
6. General conclusion
7. Acknowledgement
8. Appendices
    Appendix 1: world Map index of corruption
    Appendix 2: World Map of the natural resources rent
    Appendix 3: The world Human Development Indices 2018
    Appendix 4: Map of top 10 of world wealth share
    Appendix 5: Map of the reparation of natural resources in Africa
    Appendix 6: Map of the military presence of France in west Africa
    Appendix 7: Nigeria trade partners shape
    Appendix 8: Oil and conflicts zones in Nigeria
    Appendix 9: Gdp growth of Nigeria
    Appendix 10: Attracting investment for developing the potential of servicing the oiland gas industry
    Appendix 11: the world diamond producers shares
    Appendix 12: Naturl resuces distribution in DRC
9. Bibliography
10. 中文摘录




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