发布时间:2021-09-17 06:33
【文章来源】:东华大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:79 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 General Objectives
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significances of Study
2.Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Terms
2.1.1 Types of Aids
2.1.2 Foreign Aid
2.1.3 Aid Effectiveness
2.2 Relationship between Aid and Economic Growth
2.3 Foreign Aid Increases Economic Growth
2.4 Foreign Aid Hinders Economic Growth
2.5 Insignificant Relationship between Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
3.Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa:An Overview
3.1 Trends of Economic Aid Inflows as Percentage of GDP to Africa
3.2 Trend in Sectoral Aid
3.3 U.S Economic Aid to Africa: an Overview
3.3.1 History
3.3.2 Policy and Motivations of US Assistance to African Countries
3.3.3 Structure and Organization of US Economic Assistance
3.3.4 Characteristics of U.S. Economic Aid to African Countries
3.3.5 Motivations of US Assistance to African Countries
3.3.6 Recent Trends of U.S Economic Development Assistance to Africa
3.4 An Overview of Chinese Economic Aid to Africa
3.4.1 A Brief History of Chinese Foreign Aid
3.4.2 Policy and Motivations of Chinese Economic Assistance to Africa
3.4.3 The Organizational Chart of China’s Foreign Aid Management
3.4.4 Foreign Aid Defined in Chinese Context
3.4.5 Evolution of China’s Economic Assistance
3.4.6 Chinese Aid to African by Sectors
4 A Comparative Study of United States and China’s Economic Aid to Africa
4.1 History: The Aid Relationship
4.2 United State and Chinese Economic Aid System to Africa
4.3 Sector Preferences and Volume
4.4 Aid Modalities
5 Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Economic Aid by the U.S. and China:Evidence from Niger
5.2 Methodology
5.2.1 ARDL Model
5.3 Estimation Framework
5.3.1 Unit root Test
5.3.2 Correlation Test
5.4 Effect of US Aid on Economic Growth in Niger
5.4.1 Diagnostic Test
5.4.2 Bound Test
5.4.3 Short-Run Relationship Test
5.4.4 Long-Run relationship test
5.5 Effect of China Aid on Economic Growth in Niger
5.5.1 Diagnostic Test
5.5.2 Short- Run Relationship
6 Conclusion and Recommendations
【文章来源】:东华大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:79 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 General Objectives
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significances of Study
2.Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Terms
2.1.1 Types of Aids
2.1.2 Foreign Aid
2.1.3 Aid Effectiveness
2.2 Relationship between Aid and Economic Growth
2.3 Foreign Aid Increases Economic Growth
2.4 Foreign Aid Hinders Economic Growth
2.5 Insignificant Relationship between Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
3.Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa:An Overview
3.1 Trends of Economic Aid Inflows as Percentage of GDP to Africa
3.2 Trend in Sectoral Aid
3.3 U.S Economic Aid to Africa: an Overview
3.3.1 History
3.3.2 Policy and Motivations of US Assistance to African Countries
3.3.3 Structure and Organization of US Economic Assistance
3.3.4 Characteristics of U.S. Economic Aid to African Countries
3.3.5 Motivations of US Assistance to African Countries
3.3.6 Recent Trends of U.S Economic Development Assistance to Africa
3.4 An Overview of Chinese Economic Aid to Africa
3.4.1 A Brief History of Chinese Foreign Aid
3.4.2 Policy and Motivations of Chinese Economic Assistance to Africa
3.4.3 The Organizational Chart of China’s Foreign Aid Management
3.4.4 Foreign Aid Defined in Chinese Context
3.4.5 Evolution of China’s Economic Assistance
3.4.6 Chinese Aid to African by Sectors
4 A Comparative Study of United States and China’s Economic Aid to Africa
4.1 History: The Aid Relationship
4.2 United State and Chinese Economic Aid System to Africa
4.3 Sector Preferences and Volume
4.4 Aid Modalities
5 Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Economic Aid by the U.S. and China:Evidence from Niger
5.2 Methodology
5.2.1 ARDL Model
5.3 Estimation Framework
5.3.1 Unit root Test
5.3.2 Correlation Test
5.4 Effect of US Aid on Economic Growth in Niger
5.4.1 Diagnostic Test
5.4.2 Bound Test
5.4.3 Short-Run Relationship Test
5.4.4 Long-Run relationship test
5.5 Effect of China Aid on Economic Growth in Niger
5.5.1 Diagnostic Test
5.5.2 Short- Run Relationship
6 Conclusion and Recommendations