本文选题:文化企业 切入点:成长性评价 出处:《华侨大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园,扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设势在必行。2012年,十八大报告提出“增强国有公益性文化单位活力,完善经营性文化单位法人治理结构,繁荣文化市场”、“要坚持把社会效益放在首位,社会效益和经济效益相统一”。文化产业欲成为国民经济支柱性产业,需要有一批具有持续成长力的文化企业支撑和引领。当前,在文化产业快速发展的大潮,一大批文化企业茁壮成长。然而,不少文化企业成长仍处于探索阶段,表现出创新能力和人才匮乏、平均寿命短、无抗风险能力等弱成长性,文化企业也遭遇到了成长危机。目前对文化企业的研究主要是政策环境分析、盈利模式和并购方式等政策导向式探讨,针对文化企业特征,对文化企业成长性进行评价的文章寥寥无几。可以说,文化企业成长性是一个新鲜而重要的研究领域,对其进行评价分析具有重要意义。 文化企业成长性需要经济效益和社会效益共同发挥作用。为了提高文化企业经济效益和社会效益,本文将资源学派、能力学派和创意生态理论应用于文化企业成长性评价研究,构建“文化企业资源-文化企业能力-文化企业生态成长”的态势模型;在此理论模型基础上,采用专家访谈法、相关分析、区分度分析等方法甄别影响文化企业成长性的关键因素,并构建文化企业成长性评价体系;然后应用Entropy-VIKOR法综合评价文化企业成长性,划分文化企业成长性类别,从横向和纵向揭示文化企业成长作用机理;并对文化企业2012年和2013年的成长性情况进行预测;最后,提出促进文化企业成长内外生策略,从而实现推动文化企业健康持续成长的目标。 主要研究发现如下:(1)文化企业的成长过程具备有机体的生命特征,可以利用创意生态学的视角,吸收创新指标、多样性指标和环境适应性指标作为度量我国文化企业的生态成长指数,来探究文化企业的成长性。(2)影响我国文化企业成长性的因素主要包括成长资源(无形资源、有形资源、人力资源)、成长能力(营运能力、盈利能力、偿债能力、市场营销能力、市场预期能力)、生态成长(创新、多样性、环境适应性),,这些因素都是文化企业成长过程中不可忽视的因素。在提出文化企业成长性的外生策略部分,得出影响文化企业成长性的外部环境因素主要包括政府支持力、金融生态环境、文化产业发展、文化资源情况、区域创新网络和相关支撑产业发展。(3)文化企业成长性生态因子权重顺序从高到底分别为生态成长、成长能力、成长资源。从评价指标体系二级指标的权重得出,文化企业的营运能力、创新能力、多样性和无形资源贡献率为前四名,占据重要的地位。(4)从2011年成长性排名来看,文化企业之间的成长性表现存在着发展不均衡现象,从行业分布来看,优秀成长性都是传媒类文化企业,大多数文化企业在成长资源、成长能力和生态成长方面发展不平衡,且处于资源积累的阶段,对生态成长能力关注不足,优秀文化企业的成长能力排名往往优于成长资源和生态成长指标。(5)在对文化企业成长性纵向分析发现:2008年至2011年保持持续增长的文化企业就有9家,而中间虽然有波动,但是2011年仍然维持良好发展态势就有19家文化企业,整体表现良好,且2012年和2013年我国文化企业成长性总体上表现出“强者恒强、弱者恒弱、中等起伏大”的特征。
[Abstract]:Culture is the nation's blood, is the spiritual home of the people, and promote the construction of socialist cultural power is imperative for.2012 years, eighteen report "to strengthen state-owned non-profit cultural institutions, cultural institutions to perfect the management of the corporate governance structure, the prosperity of the cultural market", "to give top priority to social benefits, social benefits and economic benefits the unity of" cultural industry to become a pillar industry of national economy, need to have a number of sustainable growth of cultural enterprises to support and lead. At present, the rapid development of cultural industry tide, a large number of cultural enterprises to thrive. However, many cultural enterprises are still at the exploratory stage, showing the innovation ability and the lack of talents the average life is short, no anti risk ability of weak growth, enterprise culture has encountered a growing crisis. At present the main research on corporate culture if policy ring The analysis of the environment, to explore the profit model and merger policy oriented, according to the characteristics of enterprise culture, this paper evaluates the scanty growth of corporate culture. It can be said that the growth of enterprise culture is a new and important research field, to evaluate its analysis has important significance.
The culture of enterprise growth to economic and social benefits to play the role of cultural enterprises. In order to improve the economic benefit and social benefit, the resource school, ability school and creative ecology theory applied to the cultural enterprise growth evaluation study, constructing "cultural enterprise resources - enterprise culture enterprise culture ecological capacity growth trend model; based on the theoretical model, using correlation analysis, expert interviews, key factors of analysis methods such as screening influence of culture of enterprise growth, and build a growth evaluation system of enterprise culture; and then the application of Entropy-VIKOR comprehensive evaluation method of enterprise culture growth, growth of category division of cultural enterprises, from the horizontal and vertical reveal cultural enterprises the growth mechanism and growth; in cultural enterprises in 2012 and 2013 forecast; finally, put forward to promote cultural enterprises In order to achieve the goal of promoting the healthy and sustained growth of cultural enterprises, the internal and external strategies are developed.
The main findings are as follows: (1) the growth process of corporate culture with the characteristics of life organism, can use creative ecology, absorption and innovation index, diversity index and environmental adaptability index as the measure of China's ecological culture enterprises growth index, to explore the growth of the enterprise culture. (2) factors affecting growth China's cultural enterprises mainly includes the growth of resources (intangible resources, physical resources, human resources), growth ability (operating capacity, profitability, solvency, marketing ability, the market is expected to grow (ability), ecological environment adaptability, innovation, diversity), all of these factors is an important factor for the growth process the culture of enterprise. In the part of the growth strategy of exogenous cultural enterprises, the cultural influence to the growth of enterprise's external environment factors include government support, financial ecological environment, cultural industry The development of cultural resources, regional innovation network and related supporting industries. (3) the growth of resources ecological factor weight sequence from high in the end were the ecological growth, growth ability, the development of cultural enterprises. The evaluation index system of weights derived from the two indicators, cultural enterprises operating ability, innovation ability, diversity and intangible the resource contribution rate is four, occupy an important position. (4) from the 2011 growth rankings, the growth performance of culture between enterprises exist the phenomenon of unbalanced development, from the industry distribution, excellent growth media are cultural enterprises, most enterprises in the growth of cultural resources, growth ability and ecological development the development is not balanced, and in the accumulation stage of ecological resources, the growth ability of lack of care, the excellent culture of the enterprise's growth ability rankings are often better than the growth of resources and ecological growth (5) in the index. The culture of enterprise growth from 2008 to 2011: a longitudinal analysis found that the sustained growth of cultural enterprises have 9, and although there are fluctuations, but still maintain a good momentum of development in 2011, there are 19 cultural enterprises, the overall performance is good, and in 2012 and 2013 Chinese enterprise growth generally show "strong Heng Qiang the characteristics of medium, weak constant weak, big ups and downs."
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