发布时间:2018-04-03 22:16
本文选题:文化竞争力 切入点:时空格局 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为一种无形财富,文化所具有的竞争力不可忽视,其竞争力大小与区域的文化资源、文化氛围、文化发展水平密切相关。论文依据文化竞争力的内涵,从文化竞争力的影响因素出发,将文化竞争力分为基础能力层、核心能力层和可持续能力层三个层次,对河南省文化竞争力进行评价。首先,在认真梳理了文化竞争力的概念和内涵的基础上构建了指标体系。其次,应用因子分析法,计算2011年河南省18个省辖市文化竞争力综合得分及2005-2011年7年间的河南省18个省辖市文化竞争力的综合得分,从空间和时间两个维度把握河南省文化竞争力的空间差异和动态演进趋势。最后,从要素层面和不同类型区域两个角度提出文化竞争力提升的相应策略。 河南省文化竞争力呈现以下特征: 第一,从空间差异角度看,文化竞争力呈现的特征。 文化竞争力及其三个要素层可分为最强、较强、中等、较弱和最弱五类,其空间分布具有各自的特征。基础能力层空间分布特征:文化竞争力基础能力层较强的城市呈现“C”型半圆状;郑州是其核心;较弱水平城市居多,基本位于“C”的中部。核心能力层空间分布特征:较强的城市以郑州是其核心,成东西向“一”字型;中等水平的城市居多,主要分布在河南省东部。可持续能力层空间分布特征:郑州和洛阳是可持续能力水平最高的板块。以其为中心,呈环状分布,并逐渐向外降低。从总体上看,可持续能力水平较高的城市占据半壁江山,东南部可持续能力水平较低。文化竞争力的空间分布特征:在18个省辖市中,文化竞争力的相对水平总体处于中等偏下;文化竞争力水平较高的城市基本上呈东北—西南带状分布,漯河始终是几何中心的塌陷区。 第二,从时间序列角度看,文化竞争力呈现的特征。 河南省18个省辖市的文化竞争力总体趋势较稳定,,且大部分在平均水平之下波动,可见18个省辖市的文化竞争力总体差距不大,但个别城市文化竞争力水平较高。郑州、洛阳、南阳排名前三甲,郑州处于遥遥领先地位,但三者的总体趋势较平稳,2011年三者都有下降的趋势,郑州表现最明显,其中2007年洛阳和南阳下降至最低点。信阳波动不大,处于平均水平之下,总体呈现走低的趋势。新乡总体呈走低趋势,但在2011年又较迅速上升。济源在2007年前上升速度迅速,在2007年达到顶峰,之后呈现下降趋势,2011年降至最低,在18个省辖市中排名最后。
[Abstract]:As an intangible wealth, the competitiveness of culture can not be ignored, its competitiveness is closely related to the regional cultural resources, cultural atmosphere, cultural development level.Based on the connotation of cultural competitiveness and the influencing factors of cultural competitiveness, the paper divides the cultural competitiveness into three levels: basic competence, core competence and sustainable competence, and evaluates the cultural competitiveness of Henan Province.Firstly, the index system is constructed on the basis of combing the concept and connotation of cultural competitiveness.Secondly, the comprehensive score of cultural competitiveness of 18 provinces and municipalities in Henan Province in 2011 and the comprehensive score of cultural competitiveness of 18 provinces and municipalities in Henan Province from 2005 to 2011 were calculated by using factor analysis method.To grasp the spatial difference and dynamic evolution trend of Henan's cultural competitiveness from two dimensions of space and time.Finally, from the aspect of elements and different types of regions, the corresponding strategies to promote cultural competitiveness are put forward.Henan's cultural competitiveness presents the following characteristics:First, from the perspective of spatial differences, cultural competitiveness presents characteristics.The cultural competitiveness and its three essential elements can be divided into five types: strongest, stronger, moderate, weaker and weakest, and their spatial distribution has their own characteristics.The spatial distribution characteristics of the basic competence layer are as follows: the cities with strong basic competence level of cultural competitiveness present "C" type semicircular shape, Zhengzhou is the core, and the weaker level cities are mostly located in the middle of "C".The characteristics of spatial distribution of core competence layer are as follows: Zhengzhou is the core of the core of the core of the city, and the middle level city is mainly located in the eastern part of Henan Province.The spatial distribution characteristics of sustainability layer: Zhengzhou and Luoyang are the plates with the highest level of sustainability.At its center, it was distributed in a circular pattern and gradually decreased outwards.On the whole, the cities with higher sustainability level occupy half of the mountains, while the southeastern cities occupy a lower level of sustainability.The spatial distribution characteristics of cultural competitiveness: in 18 provinces and municipalities, the relative level of cultural competitiveness is generally below the middle level, and the cities with higher level of cultural competitiveness are basically distributed in the northeast and southwest,Luohe is always the collapse area of geometric center.Second, from the point of view of time series, the characteristics of cultural competitiveness.The overall trend of cultural competitiveness of 18 provinces and municipalities in Henan Province is relatively stable, and most of them fluctuate under the average level. It can be seen that the overall cultural competitiveness of 18 provinces and municipalities is not far from that of other cities, but the level of cultural competitiveness of individual cities is relatively high.Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Nanyang ranked the top three, Zhengzhou is in the leading position, but the overall trend of the three is relatively stable, 2011 all have a downward trend, Zhengzhou is the most obvious, in 2007 Luoyang and Nanyang fell to the lowest point.Xinyang fluctuates little, is below the average level, overall presents the downward trend.Xinxiang overall showed a downward trend, but in 2011 more rapid rise.Jiyuan rose rapidly before 2007, peaked in 2007, then showed a downward trend, reaching its lowest level in 2011, ranking last among 18 municipalities.
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