本文选题:影视文化产业 + 品牌构建 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:自国家致力于文化产业体制改革以来,国内影视文化产业发展迈大步前进。从国有影视单位向企业机制转型,到国家出台政策支持民营影视文化企业发展,再到民营企业、金融机构资金支持影视文化产业,这一系列的变化都彰显着影视文化产业是我国未来发展的重要内容。 浙江作为我国最重要的省份之一,正积极发展影视文化产业。笔者通过总结浙江影视文化产业这几年的发展情况,在肯定已有成绩的基础上看到一些问题和不足,认为浙江影视文化产业的发展需在品牌构建这一环节上加大努力。本文主体部分分为四块内容:浙江影视文化产业现状分析,品牌重要性的阐述,浙江影视文化产业几个主体进行品牌构建的具体内容,以及在品牌构建后维持和推进品牌发展的路径建议。 文中阐述的具体对象包括浙江卫视、华策影视、横店影视城等影视文化产业主体,笔者是通过对他们的分析来给出建议的。因此,本文既是总结性的,也是建议性的,是在总结的基础上进行对策性的建议分析。期望能够为浙江影视文化产业未来的发展提供具有价值的内容。
[Abstract]:Since the country committed to the reform of the cultural industry system, the development of domestic film and television culture industry has stride forward. From the transformation of the state-owned film and television units to the enterprise mechanism, to the introduction of policies by the state to support the development of private film and television cultural enterprises, and to private enterprises and financial institutions to fund the film and television culture industry, This series of changes all show that the film and television culture industry is the important content of the future development of our country. Zhejiang, as one of the most important provinces in China, is actively developing film and television culture industry. By summing up the development of the film and television culture industry in Zhejiang in recent years, the author finds out some problems and shortcomings on the basis of affirming the achievements, and points out that the development of the film and television culture industry in Zhejiang should make greater efforts in the link of brand construction. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts: the analysis of the current situation of the film and television culture industry in Zhejiang Province, the description of the importance of the brand, the concrete content of the brand construction of several subjects of the film and television culture industry in Zhejiang Province. And the path to maintain and promote brand development after brand construction. The specific objects described in this paper include Zhejiang Satellite TV, Waitze Film and Television, Hengdian Film and Television City and other film and television industry subjects. The author gives some suggestions through their analysis. Therefore, this paper is not only summative, but also constructive. It is expected to provide valuable content for the future development of Zhejiang film and television industry.
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