本文选题:文化产业 + 地方政府 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着经济全球化和科学技术的高速发展,以知识、技术、智能为特征的文化产业在文化与经济的相互交融中迅速崛起,并成为许多国家和地区新的经济增长点。 本文试图结合河北省文化产业发展的实际情况,探讨清楚以下几个问题: 首先,在理论层面厘清地方政府在发展文化产业的过程之中应该承担什么样的行政责任。由于我国社会主义市场经济的特殊背景,政府在发展文化产业方面发挥着主导作用,而地方政府作为中央政策的具体执行者,处于发展文化产业的一线位置,因此探讨清楚在发展文化产业过程中地方政府应当承担什么样的责任就显得尤为重要。具体而言,地方政府在文化产业发展中应承担的责任包括营造良好的文化产业发展环境、培育强大的文化产业发展主体、搭建方便的文化产业合作平台和培养专业的文化产业人才等方面。 其次,在实践层面透视文化产业发展过程中存在的问题以及这些问题与地方政府有何关系。在文章中我采用了从问题入手的策略,即从具体分析河北省当前文化产业发展的实际情况入手,在看到其成绩的同时不忽视隐藏其中的诸多问题,通过各个方面问题,逐步挖掘深层次的原因所在。主要包括政府职能转变的不够彻底问题,即还没有完全由管理型政府转向服务型政府;执政理念问题,比如还是以办文化事业的方式来发展文化企业,,导致行政效率低下,市场活力不够等问题。 最后一部分,结合河北省在发展文化产业方面的实际情况,一方面为了保持现在的良好势头,同时也为了逐步解决存在的问题,针对河北省地方政府在发展文化产业过程中履行行政责任不到位的方面,提出具体全面的解决方案,主要包括转变政府职能、调整文化管理部门结构、设立文化产业发展引导资金、合理分解地方政府文化管理职能等相关措施,同时坚决落实“五大战略工程”,重点抓好“八大重点领域”文化产业的发展。
[Abstract]:With the economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, the cultural industry characterized by knowledge, technology and intelligence has emerged rapidly in the mutual integration of culture and economy, and has become a new economic growth point in many countries and regions. This article attempts to combine the actual situation of the development of the cultural industry in Hebei Province, to explore the following issues: Firstly, it clarifies the administrative responsibility of local government in the process of developing cultural industry. Due to the special background of our socialist market economy, the government plays a leading role in the development of cultural industries, while local governments, as the concrete executors of central policies, are in the front line of developing cultural industries. Therefore, it is very important to explore the responsibility of local government in the process of developing cultural industry. Specifically, the responsibility of local governments in the development of cultural industries includes creating a good environment for the development of cultural industries and fostering strong cultural industry development subjects. Build convenient cultural industry cooperation platform and cultivate professional cultural industry personnel and so on. Secondly, the problems existing in the process of cultural industry development and the relationship between these problems and local governments are analyzed in practice. In the article, I adopt the strategy of starting from the problem, that is, from the concrete analysis of the actual situation of the current cultural industry development in Hebei Province, while seeing its achievements, I do not neglect to hide many of the problems, through various aspects of the problem. Gradually excavate the deep level reason lies. The main problems include the incomplete transformation of government functions, that is, not completely shifting from a management-oriented government to a service-oriented government; governing concept issues, such as the development of cultural enterprises in the form of cultural undertakings, which leads to administrative inefficiencies. Market vitality is not enough and so on. In the last part, considering the actual situation in developing cultural industries in Hebei Province, on the one hand, in order to maintain the current good momentum, but also in order to gradually solve the existing problems, In view of the fact that the local government in Hebei Province does not fulfill its administrative responsibility in the process of developing the cultural industry, a concrete and comprehensive solution is put forward, which mainly includes transforming the government functions and adjusting the structure of the cultural management department. We should set up funds to guide the development of cultural industries, rationally decompose the cultural management functions of local governments, and resolutely carry out the "five strategic projects" and focus on the development of the cultural industries in the "eight key areas".
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