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发布时间:2018-06-15 21:00

  本文选题:芜湖 + 文化 ; 参考:《安徽工程大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年,随着我国经济的快速发展,文化创意产业成为经济支柱产业的趋势越来越明显,展现出很大的发展潜力。作为长江沿岸的开放城市,芜湖市发展文化创意产业,对其拥有很重要的战略意义。首先,发展文化创意产业可以完善社会主义市场经济体制,调整产业结构,缓解人口就业矛盾,挖掘新的经济增长点,实现优化经济结构的目标。其次,发展文化创意产业可以满足人们日益增长的精神文化需求,提高人口综合素质,实现社会主义核心价值体系构建的目标。最后,发展文化创意产业,可以充分开发芜湖已有的人文资源,发挥本地的禀赋优势,实现提高芜湖市城市竞争力的目标。 本文在充分调研实际数据的基础之上,先从总体上分析芜湖市文化创意产业的发展概况,再重点介绍以动漫产业为核心的相关产业的现状。在阐述文化创意产业的成绩时,以文化产业增加值为切入点,分析芜湖市文化创意产业的发展潜力,存在一定的创新之处。 本文运用文献检索、比较分析、案例分析、实证研究和规范分析等方法,全景式地展示了芜湖市文化创意产业。本文总体可以分为文五章。 第一章是绪论部分,主要介绍本文的研究背景和意义、研究现状、研究思路和方法、主要内容以及可能的创新点。 第二章是基础理论部分,主要介绍文化创意产业的相关概念和特征。本部分介绍了文化、文化产业和文化创意产业的概念,概括了文化创意产业的特征,其特征包括文化性、政治性、精神性、娱乐性、依附性和渗透性。 第三章是经验总结部分,主要介绍欧美发达国家、亚洲发达国家和我国发达城市发展文化创意产业的经验。芜湖市在发展文化创意产业的过程中应该借鉴它们的经验,注重传统文化开发,重视创意人才培养,充分发挥市场机制的作用,让企业成为市场的主体,积极参与市场竞争。 第四章是现状分析部分,主要介绍了芜湖市文化创意产业发展的现状、取得的成绩和存在的问题。本部分先总后分地介绍了芜湖市文化创意产业的现状,从配套政策、重视程度、发展潜力和项目分布等方面阐述其取得的成绩,从核心产品、产业链条、创意人才、法制建设和基础设施等方面分析其存在的问题。 第五章是对策分析部分。本部分针对芜湖市文化创意产业存在的问题,从培育知名产品、构建产业链条、培养创意人才、健全法制体系、完善基础设施等方面,有的放矢地提出其发展对策。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, the trend of cultural and creative industry becoming the pillar industry of economy becomes more and more obvious, showing great development potential. As an open city along the Yangtze River, Wuhu has a very important strategic significance for the development of cultural and creative industries. First of all, the development of cultural and creative industries can improve the socialist market economic system, adjust the industrial structure, ease the contradiction of population employment, tap new economic growth points, and achieve the goal of optimizing economic structure. Secondly, the development of cultural and creative industries can meet the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of people, improve the comprehensive quality of the population, and achieve the goal of building the socialist core value system. Finally, the development of cultural and creative industries can fully develop the existing cultural resources in Wuhu, give play to the advantages of local endowment, and achieve the goal of improving the competitiveness of Wuhu city. Based on the full investigation of actual data, this paper first analyzes the general situation of cultural and creative industry in Wuhu, and then introduces the current situation of related industries with animation industry as the core. In expounding the achievements of cultural and creative industries, this paper analyzes the development potential of cultural and creative industries in Wuhu by taking the added value of cultural industries as the starting point, and there are some innovations. In this paper, literature retrieval, comparative analysis, case analysis, empirical research and normative analysis are used to show the cultural and creative industries in Wuhu in a panoramic way. This article can be divided into five chapters as a whole. The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly introduces the research background and significance, the research present situation, the research thought and the method, the main content as well as the possible innovation point. The second chapter is the basic theory part, mainly introduces the cultural creative industry related concept and the characteristic. This part introduces the concepts of culture, cultural industry and cultural creative industry, and summarizes the characteristics of cultural creative industry, including cultural, political, spiritual, entertaining, dependent and permeable. The third chapter is the experience summary part, mainly introduces the European and American developed countries, the Asian developed countries and our country developed cities to develop the cultural creative industry experience. In the process of developing cultural and creative industries, Wuhu should draw lessons from their experiences, pay attention to the development of traditional culture, attach importance to the cultivation of creative talents, give full play to the role of market mechanism, and let enterprises become the main body of the market and actively participate in market competition. The fourth chapter is the present situation analysis part, mainly introduced the Wuhu cultural creative industry development present situation, obtains the achievement and the existence question. This part introduces the present situation of cultural and creative industry in Wuhu, expounds its achievements from the aspects of supporting policy, degree of attention, development potential and project distribution, from the core products, industrial chain, creative talents, etc. The problems of legal construction and infrastructure are analyzed. The fifth chapter is the game analysis part. This part aims at the problems existing in the cultural and creative industry of Wuhu, and puts forward its development countermeasures from the aspects of cultivating famous products, constructing industrial chain, cultivating creative talents, perfecting legal system, perfecting infrastructure and so on.


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