[Abstract]:The soul of the nation is transformed by the text; the god of the nation is cast by the text. Cultural consumption has been paid more and more attention by the country and the local because of its integration of the special cultural attribute and the economic attribute. Many provinces and cities with developed cultural consumption have promoted the cultural industry to a strategic level, cultivated it as a pillar industry and designed it as a business card to show the world. The cultural industry as a beautiful blueprint to describe. Xinjiang's cultural consumption market is still small, but the potential for development is huge. The cultural industry of Xinjiang has been developing rapidly and is an important driving force for the construction of Fumei Xinjiang. Although Xinjiang's cultural consumption has the advantages of ecological and cultural resources and cultural and historical resources, it is still necessary to study the advantages of economic development in order to turn them into the advantages of the development of cultural industries. Based on the definition of the concept of cultural consumption, the category of cultural consumption is set according to the classification standard of national cultural industry combined with the situation of Xinjiang region. The theoretical research of cultural consumption and the development experience of advanced regions are combed to find theoretical support for the development of cultural industry. Collect, collate, excavate, analyze and discuss from the perspective of demonstration. In view of the development law and present situation of Xinjiang cultural industry, it is the logical starting point of the research. This paper analyzes the basic structure of cultural consumption, the difference between urban and rural areas, and the difference of the main body of consumption, and finds out the problems existing in cultural consumption. According to the characteristics of cultural consumption, this paper analyzes the role of cultural consumption in cultural industry and finds out its shortcomings. Finally, in view of the problems and shortcomings found in the research, the countermeasures to improve the cultural consumption structure and promote the development of cultural industry are put forward. The study of cultural consumption in Xinjiang is still in its infancy, and it is gratifying that all walks of life have paid great attention to the development of cultural industry. With the concerted efforts of all sectors of society, "cultural aid to Xinjiang" has already begun to show results, and the cultural and creative industries have also emerged. As long as every powerful piece is put in place, the overall situation of the development of the entire cultural industry will certainly be activated. Build a "rich America Xinjiang".
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