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发布时间:2019-06-10 00:53
[Abstract]:On November 15, 2016, in memory of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Luo Gongliu, Yu Feng, Yan Han and 3500, and in memory of the outstanding contributions made by the four gentlemen to the cause of Chinese fine arts, the Chinese Federation of Arts and the China Association for the Arts and Art sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Arts and Arts, The forum to commemorate the centenary of Ding Cong's birth was held at the Chinese Federation of Arts and Culture. Member of the Party Group, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Federation of Arts and Arts, Zuo Zhongyi, Secretary General Xu Li, Vice Chairman of the Party Group, Vice Chairman stationed at the meeting, Vice Chairman of the China Arts Association, Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Yang Lizhou, adviser to the China Arts Association, Wang Ze, Director of the Art Department of the propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Jiang Peng, Deputy Inspector of the propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of China


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