发布时间:2018-01-27 15:21
本文关键词: 安全行为 正向激励 方案设计 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:当前安全生产形势严峻,由于人的不安全行为导致的安全生产事故占到事故总数的80%以上。在我国的企业安全管理中,关于人的安全行为激励已逐步得到重视,但是仍然缺乏系统的、以正向激励为主要手段的安全激励制度,以达到提高全员安全意识,促进企业安全文化建设,变“要我安全”为“我要安全”的安全管理目标。 本文针对安全行为正向激励研究不足的现状,从已有的行为激励理论入手,总结并分析出这些理论对安全行为正向激励的启示;继而设计出通用的安全行为正向激励方案;然后结合企业的现状,实际运用设计出的方案,评价方案的应用效果。 设计出的安全行为正向激励方案包括安全行为正向物质激励方案和安全行为正向精神激励方案,总共包含六个子方案:安全先进榜样授予激励,安全认可激励,安全荣誉分享激励,安全行为绩效奖金激励,安全基金激励,可选安全小福利激励。 本文在行为激励理论的基础上设计出了通用的安全行为正向激励方案,,并通过企业实际运用验证了此方案的效果,证明了该方案在企业中确实可行,能较好的引导员工关注安全、积极参与安全活动、注意日常安全行为、严格遵章操作,把安全生产意识和行动落实到生产的全过程。
[Abstract]:At present, the situation of safety in production is severe. The accidents caused by human unsafe behavior account for more than 80% of the total number of accidents. In the enterprise safety management of our country. About the human safety behavior incentive has been paid attention to step by step, but still lacks the systematic, takes the positive incentive as the main means safety incentive system, in order to enhance the whole staff safety consciousness, promotes the enterprise safety culture construction. Change from "keep me safe" to "I want Security". In view of the current situation of the lack of research on the positive motivation of safety behavior, this paper summarizes and analyzes the enlightenment of these theories to the positive motivation of safety behavior from the existing behavioral incentive theory. Then the general safety behavior positive incentive scheme is designed. Then combined with the current situation of the enterprise, the actual use of the design of the program, evaluation of the application of the program. The safety behavior forward incentive scheme includes the safety behavior forward material incentive scheme and the safety behavior positive spiritual incentive scheme, which includes six sub-schemes: the advanced model of safety award incentive. Safety recognition incentive, Safety Honor sharing incentive, Safety behavior performance bonus incentive, Safety Fund incentive, optional Safety benefit incentive. Based on the behavior incentive theory, this paper designs a general safe behavior forward incentive scheme, and verifies the effectiveness of the scheme through the practical application of the enterprise, and proves that the scheme is feasible in the enterprise. Can better guide employees to pay attention to safety, actively participate in safety activities, pay attention to daily safety behavior, strictly comply with the rules and regulations, safety awareness and action to the production of the whole process.
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