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发布时间:2018-02-09 16:18

  本文关键词: 波纹阻火器 淬熄 “郁金香”火焰 爆燃火焰速度 爆炸压力 出处:《爆炸与冲击》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The propagation and quenching process of ethylene-air premixed flame in bellows are studied experimentally and numerically. The experimental results show that when ethylene is close to equivalent concentration, The process of pressure variation of premixed gas explosion can be divided into four stages: isobaric combustion stage, slow rising stage, rapid rising stage and pressure oscillation stage. The pressure oscillation stage usually lasts for tens of milliseconds, and the propagation velocity of ethylene-air flame increases with the pipe diameter, and the corrugation height of the flame arrester unit decreases with the increase of the thickness of the flame arrester unit. The flame quench can be effectively quenched by the fire arrester. The numerical simulation results show that the flame surface is hemispherical and propagated in the form of laminar diffusion after igniting at the closed end of the pipe. When the flame propagates to the pipe wall, under the restraint of the pipe wall, the flame surface is deformed, the flame near the wall gradually exceeds the flame near the pipeline axis, and finally the "tulip" flame structure is formed. When the deflagration flame passes through the flame arrester unit, the high temperature gas body is absorbed by it, and the gas temperature decreases gradually and the chemical reaction rate decreases rapidly under the action of sparse wave generated in the reaction zone. And eventually the flame was extinguished. From the results of the simulation, we can see that during the whole explosion, The flame propagation velocity and explosion pressure fluctuate obviously. The influence mechanism of porosity and the thickness of fire resistance unit on flame propagation is proposed. Based on the theoretical model of heat transfer, and combined with the experimental data, The relationship between deflagration flame velocity and explosion pressure is obtained, which provides a more accurate reference basis for the design and selection of industrial igniter.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学化工机械学院;沈阳特种设备检测研究院;
【基金】:国家质检总局科技计划项目(2011QK083) 沈阳市科技计划项目(F14-048-2-00)


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