本文选题:山区铁路 切入点:复杂网络 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:山区铁路子网是全国铁路网的一个重要组成部分。近些年来我国山区自然灾害呈多发趋势,冰雪、泥石流、洪水和地震等都对山区铁路网络的运输能力与运输安全造成严重伤害。灾害发生后,较之其他地区的铁路网络,山区铁路网络灾害影响范围更大,受灾程度更严重。所以,灾害发生后如何及时对衡量灾害对山区铁路网络的影响并做出评估,并在此基础上指导进行应急救援,具有现实的运用意义。 本文以成都铁路局管辖范围内的山区铁路网络为例,结合自然灾害类型和山区铁路运输组织特征对山区铁路灾害影响进行了分类,并从系统和能量传播的角度分析了山区铁路灾害传播规律。 本文从网络的角度分析灾害对山区铁路的影响,首先采用了复杂网络理论对山区铁路物理网络拓扑结构和网络特征进行分析,并从物理网络关键点和鲁棒性的角度分析灾变情况下山区铁路物理网络的变化规律。其次,讨论了灾害对山区铁路业务网络的影响,分别从开行方案、影响范围和网络系统运输能力损失三个主要方向进行了分析研究。最后,鉴于山区铁路网络实际情况,综合考虑物理网络和业务网络的各自特点,构建山区铁路超网络模型,并且对灾害条件下的山区铁路超网络关键点和抗毁性进行分析。 本文建立灾害对山区铁路网络影响的评估体系,分别对网络性能和经济损失角度进行评估,综合评估灾害条件下的山区铁路网络的影响并划分等级。这样既可从运营管理的角度衡量灾害对山区铁路网络整体造成的影响,也可以从宏观的经济角度衡量灾害造成的损失。
[Abstract]:The mountain railway subnet is an important part of the national railway network. In recent years, natural disasters in mountainous areas in China have shown a tendency of frequent occurrence, with snow and ice and debris flows. Both floods and earthquakes have caused serious damage to the transport capacity and transport safety of railway networks in mountainous areas. After the disasters occurred, the impact of disasters on railway networks in mountainous areas was larger than that in other regions, and the extent of disasters was more serious. It is of practical significance to measure and evaluate the impact of disasters on railway networks in mountainous areas and to guide emergency rescue after disasters occur. Taking the railway network in the mountainous area under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Administration as an example, combined with the types of natural disasters and the characteristics of railway transport organizations in mountainous areas, this paper classifies the impact of railway disasters in mountainous areas. From the point of view of system and energy transmission, the law of railway disaster propagation in mountainous area is analyzed. In this paper, the influence of disaster on mountain railway is analyzed from the point of view of network. Firstly, the topological structure and network characteristics of physical network of mountain railway are analyzed by using complex network theory. And from the point of view of the key points and robustness of physical network, the change law of mountain railway physical network is analyzed. Secondly, the influence of disaster on mountain railway operation network is discussed. The influence range and transportation capacity loss of network system are analyzed and studied. Finally, considering the actual situation of railway network in mountainous area, considering the characteristics of physical network and business network, the model of railway supernetwork in mountainous area is constructed. The key points and invulnerability of mountain railway supernetwork under disaster condition are analyzed. In this paper, the evaluation system of the impact of disaster on railway network in mountainous area is established, and the network performance and economic loss are evaluated respectively. The influence of the mountain railway network under the disaster condition is comprehensively evaluated and classified, which can not only measure the impact of the disaster on the whole mountain railway network from the point of view of operation and management, but also measure the losses caused by the disaster from the macro economic point of view.
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