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发布时间:2018-04-10 03:28

  本文选题:火灾 切入点:时空演变 出处:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Based on the advance study of fire accident and its influencing factors at home and abroad, combined with the real fire cases in Zhejiang Province from 2000 to 2010, the spatial database of fire cases in the study area was established by MAPINFO GIS.Based on the analysis of the space-time evolution characteristics of fire accidents in three spatial scales of prefecture-level cities and counties, the problems such as identifying the regions where the fire accidents are caused and the reheating points are identified, some policy suggestions are put forward for fire prevention and control in Zhejiang Province.Through systematic analysis, the main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, the number of fires in Zhejiang Province rose during the period of 2000 ~ 2010, but the direct economic losses caused by fire have a decreasing trend year by year.Especially in 2007, the number of fires in the whole province was as high as 5064, resulting in direct economic losses of up to 67.64 million yuan, which reached a new high in history, and the situation of fire prevention and disaster prevention was very severe.Second, although there are slight differences in the cause and ranking of fire induced by electrical and production operations in the province and its jurisdiction, the number of fire cases induced by electrical and production operations has increased year by year and has become the main factor of fire induction.Fire cases caused by accidental fire in daily use occur from time to time, but the overall trend is downward. Third, a fire occurrence index is constructed in an attempt to calculate and measure the level of fire occurrence in various counties and districts.The results show that in 2000, 2005 and 2010, the top 10 fire occurrence indexes were Yiwu, Yueqing, Wenling, Yongkang, Shaoxing, Ruian and other counties and cities, which became the hot spots of fire accidents in Zhejiang Province.Fourthly, according to the average annual fire occurrence index, all counties and regions in Zhejiang Province are divided into four regional grades: fire frequency hot spot area, fire stable area, fire fluctuating area and low fire area.Fire prone hot spots are all located in counties, cities and districts with relatively high levels of social and economic development and relatively high human activity intensity, indicating that the two have a certain correlation; but like Shangyu City in Shaoxing,In the areas with high level of social and economic development and high intensity of human activities in Zhenhai District of Ningbo and Xiasha District of Hangzhou, the results of fire occurrence index analysis over the years show that these areas belong to low fire incidence areas.In view of the influence factors and the mechanism of fire occurrence and its complexity, the deep causes of fire still need to be further studied.


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