本文选题:纵向风 + 受限空间 ; 参考:《安徽理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of national economic construction, the construction of restricted space types is rising day by day, such as: tunnels, underground projects, small rooms, etc., so it is particularly important to prevent fire and extinguish fire in restricted space. This type of restricted space is different from other buildings, in which there are a large number of moving objects, and there is no wind on either side, with only the wind at both ends, which brings new challenges to fire prevention in confined space with wind flow. In particular, the sprinkler put forward higher requirements. The influence of longitudinal wind on fire and the fire extinguishing effect of sprinkler system in the whole confined space is related to the safety of people's life and property. Through the experimental study on the effect of spray extinguishing system in confined space with longitudinal wind, the main content of this paper is to analyze and compare the fire extinguishing effect of different wind speed under the same spray pressure. In the case of two different sources of power, the knowledge of sprinkler fire was observed by changing the wind speed; the influence of longitudinal wind on sprinkler extinguishing under the condition of fire source power A, the influence of longitudinal wind on sprinkler extinguishing under the condition of fire source power B, and the effect of vertical wind on sprinkler extinguishing under the condition of fire source power B; The fire control time and fire extinguishing time are determined by measuring the temperature and CO concentration of each point near the fire site to judge the effect of sprinkling fire extinguishing. The numerical simulation is also based on the size of the experimental platform. Under two operating conditions, the parameters of the spray system remain unchanged and the parameters of the spray system remain unchanged. Twelve thermocouples are arranged according to the original position to simulate the original experiment. The temperature change and smoke spread in the confined space were observed by slicing. By comparing the experiment with the simulation, it can be found that the experiment and the simulation have high similarity, the fire extinguishing time of the spray is very close, the temperature field distribution error in the confined space is not different, and the optimum wind speed range is basically the same. Through experiment and simulation, it is found that longitudinal wind speed is helpful to sprinkler fire extinguishing in a certain range, and the favorable wind speed range will change under different fire source power. Therefore, in the scene of fire, we must pay attention to the control of longitudinal wind speed, which is related to the safety of the rescuer and the rescuer, the severity of the loss of property, and has practical significance to ensure the safety of life and reduce the economic loss.
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