发布时间:2018-05-02 19:09
本文选题:地质雷达 + 防爆技术 ; 参考:《中南大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:摘要:地质雷达法探测精度高,对地下地质构造异常情况有比较好的分辨率,探测便捷,成果直观,近年来地面应用较多。而在煤矿井下,因为受煤矿井下防爆环境与空间的限制,地质雷达在煤矿井下应用之前,还需要研究解决诸多相关关键技术难题。本文正是基于该技术现状在国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题“煤岩动力灾害演化过程的物性参数响应规律”(2005CB221505)、国家自然科学基金重点项目“煤与瓦斯突出危险区探测理论与方法”(50534080)和国家十五科技攻关重点项目“电磁波探测技术和装备的研究”(2004BA803B0101)的资助下开展适用于煤矿井下环境的新型冲击脉冲式矿井防爆地质雷达技术研究工作。 首先,研制成功我国新型矿井防爆地质雷达KJH-D型脉冲式防爆探地雷达,并获得MA国家安全标志认证,填补了国内的空白。 其次,对雷达探测理论进行了深入理论研究,建立了煤矿井下雷达波场传播模型,对煤矿井下常见的地质异常模型进行了系统的波场数值模拟和正演模型数值模拟。理论上验证了雷达波在煤矿井下的传播规律,分析清楚了矿井防爆地质雷达井下环境波场信号响应规律和各典型地电模型的正演情况。 最后,针对我国煤矿井下的特殊情况开展了新型雷达的井下探测工作方法和数据处理研究,建立一套完整的煤矿井下探测工艺。在全国典型瓦斯地质重点矿区开展了大量的探测试验,获得了断层、陷落柱等多种典型地质异常的雷达图谱,试验结果取得了很好的地质效果,表明新型矿井防爆地质雷达技术能很好的解决煤矿井下近距离高精度探测的难题,提高了矿井物探水平,丰富了矿井物探手段,有利于保障煤矿安全生产。论文取得的主要研究成果及创新点有: (1)开展雷达电路防爆改制研究工作,设计了矿井防爆地质雷达的防爆电源和电路,研发了100MHz的屏蔽天线对,研制出适用于煤矿井下的KJH-D型脉冲式防爆探地雷达产品,它是我国获得煤矿安全标志认证的新型脉冲式矿井防爆地质雷达,其技术水平经国家安全生产监督管理总局规划科技司鉴定为国际先进水平,并获得“中国煤炭工业科学技术奖二等奖”和“重庆市重点新产品”称号。 (2)理论分析了雷达波在地下介质中的传播特性,推导出雷达波反射系数的计算公式,反射系数值r由分界面两侧介质的相对介电常数决定,其大小绝对值小于1。当反射系数|r|0.1时,比较适宜于地质雷达探测和识别目标体。 (3)煤矿井下的全空间环境和条件远比地面半空间复杂,重点分析和研究煤系地层常见介质的电性特点,研究了电磁波在煤系地层中传播的规律,发现电磁波在煤中的传播速度大于在岩石中的传播速度,煤岩分界面反射系数的绝对值大于0.1,是非常良好的雷达波反射界面,有利于雷达探测识别,煤矿常见的断层构造、陷落柱、含水层、空洞等地质异常情况都具备良好的雷达反射界面,矿井防爆地质雷达能很好的对它们进行探测和识别。 (4)针对煤矿井下情况建立固定点源的单一介质波场模型,系统模拟了自由空间、岩层、煤层三种具有代表性的介质模型。在此基础上进行煤矿井下矿井防爆地质雷达介质波场数值模拟,建立了三种典型的井下波场模型:含煤层层状介质、煤层遗留钻杆介质、煤岩断层介质模型,给出了波场模拟的结果,取得了良好的模拟效果。结果显示雷达波在异常分界面上都存在明显的反射,证明了矿井防爆地质雷达煤矿井下探测的有效性。 (5)用Matlab数值计算软件的编程语言编写了二维的二阶Mur边界吸收条件和GPML边界吸收条件(GPMLABC)的时域有限差分法正演模拟程序,基于该程序系统地正演模拟煤矿井下实际物探工作中最典型的,出现最多的地质模型-超前探测断层模型,另外还正演模拟了陷落柱、空洞、煤层遗留钻杆等几种典型煤矿井下地电模型,获得雷达回波的模拟图像,从地球物理正演的角度再次证明矿井防爆地质雷达探测煤矿井下地质异常体的可行性。 (6)基于Matlab计算方法对雷达信号处理技术和方法进行了深入研究。重点对处理前的准备工作、常规处理方法、KL变换法、小波变换处理技术等方面进行分析研究,编写了相应的处理程序,完善和改进了雷达数字信号处理技术和方法。 (7)开展了煤矿井下矿井防爆地质雷达探测技术和工艺研究,提出井下探测工作的“一二三”方法,即一个原则、两种方式、三个方向。一个原则是指测线布置尽量垂直探测目标体的原则;两种方式是指矿井防爆地质雷达探测的两种方式:固定平移和共中心点式;三个方向是煤矿井下巷道探测的三个方向:掘进头、侧帮和顶底板。详细分析了三个方向探测的目的、意义、工作方法和预期获得的成果。 (8)运用新型矿井防爆地质雷达KJH-D防爆探地雷达在全国瓦斯地质典型矿区开展了种类多样和系统的煤矿井下巷道探测试验研究。探测实验既有巷道掘进头超前探测,也有巷道侧帮探测和底板探测,探测的目标体有断层构造、陷落柱、煤层冲刷带、煤岩界面、临近煤层和钻杆异常等,获得了大量丰富的煤矿地质异常的典型雷达图谱。在成庄矿井下原位采集了雷达波在3号煤层中传播的实际波速为0.152m/ns,推算出3号煤的相对介电常数为3.9。 (9)在淮南矿区开展了为期一年的煤矿井下巷道应用试验研究,共进行矿井防爆地质雷达超前探测52次,预测预报距离2390m。实验结果表明脉冲式矿井防爆地质雷达能有效探测前方地质构造等异常情况,对于落差在2/3煤厚以上的断层,探测试验成功率达到100%;对于落差小于2/3煤厚的断层探测,成功率也达到了87.5%,经过安徽省科技厅组织的技术鉴定该实验成果达到国际先进水平。在探测工作中,要不断总结雷达回波与煤系地层各种异常体的关系,同时不断与钻孔地质验证资料进行比对,分析问题,掌握规律,使矿井防爆地质雷达技术和装备不断成熟。
[Abstract]:Abstract : The geological radar method has high detection precision , has good resolution , convenient detection and direct results , and has more application in recent years .
First , we develop a new type of anti - explosion ground penetrating radar for mine explosion - proof geological radar , which is a new type of mine explosion - proof geological radar , and obtain MA national security mark certification , which fills the gap in China .
Secondly , based on the in - depth theoretical study of radar detection theory , the paper establishes the model of radar wave field propagation in coal mine , and carries on the numerical simulation of wave field and the numerical simulation of forward modeling of the common geological anomaly model in coal mine . The propagation law of radar wave in coal mine is verified theoretically . The response rule of mine explosion - proof geological radar and the forward performance of each typical geoelectric model are analyzed .
In the end , the underground detection working methods and data processing research of a new type of radar are carried out aiming at the special circumstances of the coal mine in China , and a complete set of coal mine underground detection technology is established . A large number of detection tests are carried out in the typical gas geological key mining area of the country , so that a plurality of typical geological anomalies such as faults , collapse columns and the like are obtained , and the test results have good geological effects , so that the mine geophysical exploration level is improved , the mine geophysical exploration means are enriched , and the mine safety production is facilitated .
( 1 ) To develop anti - explosion system of radar circuit , design explosion - proof power supply and circuit of mine explosion - proof geological radar , develop 100MHz shielded antenna pair , develop a new pulse type mine anti - explosion GPR product suitable for coal mine safety sign certification , it is a new pulse type mine anti - explosion geological radar for coal mine safety sign certification . Its technical level is identified as the international advanced level by the Ministry of Planning and Technology of State Safety Production Supervision and Administration , and won the title of " Second Prize of China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award " and " Key New Products in Chongqing " .
( 2 ) The propagation characteristics of radar wave in the underground medium are analyzed . The calculation formula of radar wave reflection coefficient is derived . The reflection coefficient value r is determined by the relative dielectric constant of the medium on both sides of the interface , and the absolute value of the reflection coefficient is less than 1 . When the reflection coefficient is &bar; r &bar; 0.1 , it is suitable for the geological radar detection and identification target body .
( 3 ) The whole space environment and condition of coal mine are much more complex than the semi - space of the ground . The regularity of electromagnetic wave propagation in coal - series strata is analyzed and studied . It is found that the propagation velocity of electromagnetic wave in coal is larger than that in the rock . The absolute value of reflection coefficient of coal - rock interface is greater than 0.1 , which is good for radar detection and recognition .
( 4 ) In order to establish a single medium wave field model of fixed point source in coal mine , three representative media models of free space , rock stratum and coal seam are simulated . Three typical downhole wave field models are established : coal seam bedding medium , coal seam left drill pipe medium and coal rock fault medium model . The results of wave field simulation are given . The results show that the radar wave has obvious reflection on the abnormal boundary surface , which proves the validity of underground detection of mine explosion - proof geological radar .
( 5 ) In the programming language of Matlab , the second order Mur boundary absorption condition and GPML boundary absorption condition ( GPMLABC ) are written in the time domain finite difference method . Based on the program , the most typical and most typical geological model - advanced detection fault model is presented .
( 6 ) The technology and method of radar signal processing are researched deeply on the basis of Matlab calculation method . The emphasis is on the preparation work before processing , the conventional processing method , KL transform method , wavelet transform processing technology and so on . The corresponding processing procedure is written , and the technology and method of radar digital signal processing are improved and improved .
( 7 ) The mine explosion - proof geological radar detection technology and technology research are carried out , and the " one - two - three " method , namely one principle , two ways and three directions of downhole detection work , is put forward . One principle is that the principle of measuring the target body is as vertical as possible ;
There are two ways of mine explosion - proof geological radar detection : fixed translation and co - center point ;
Three directions are three directions : heading , side and top floor . The purpose , significance , working methods and expected results of three directional detection are analyzed in detail .
( 8 ) A new type of coal mine underground roadway detection test has been carried out in the typical mining area of gas geology in the whole country by using a new type of mine explosion - proof geological radar . The detection experiment has the advanced detection of the heading head of the tunnel and the detection and detection of the bottom plate , and the target body is characterized by fault structure , falling pillar , coal seam erosion zone , coal - rock interface , adjacent coal seam and drill pipe anomaly , etc . , and obtains a large amount of typical radar map of the geological anomaly of the coal mine .
( 9 ) A one - year coal mine tunnel application test is carried out in the coalmine area , the advanced detection of mine explosion - proof geological radar is 52 times , and the prediction distance is 2390m . The experimental results show that the pulse - type mine anti - explosion geological radar can effectively detect anomalies such as the front geological structure and the like , and the success rate of the detection test reaches 100 % for the fault with the difference of over 2 / 3 coal thickness ;
The success rate also reaches 87.5 % for fault detection of coal thickness of less than 2 / 3 . In the exploration work , the relationship between radar echo and various abnormal bodies of coal - series strata can be summed up , meanwhile , the comparison and analysis of borehole geological verification data are carried out , and the technical and equipment of mine explosion - proof geological radar are constantly mature .
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