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发布时间:2018-05-16 05:01

  本文选题:煤矿企业 + 重特大事故 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 2008 U. S. financial tsunami swept the globe, the world economy as a whole has entered a period of rapid decline and low growth, and for some developing countries, the transition has become the only way out for them to break through the siege. In September 2009, The Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, judging the situation and taking advantage of the good opportunity for the world economy to enter a low ebb, issued a policy for the reorganization and integration of Shanxi's coal resources, which was carried out at the end of the same year. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have taken Shanxi as the pilot area for comprehensive reform of the coal economy. At the end of 2010, the policy of the reorganization and integration of Shanxi's coal resources was popularized and implemented in other coal provinces of the country. The core purpose of coal resources integration in Shanxi Province is to improve the industrial concentration, to improve the production scale and equipment level of single well, to realize the high yield and high efficiency of coal mine, and to reduce and prevent the occurrence of coal mine safety accidents. To protect the lives and property of miners. But it backfired. In a short period of five years from 2009 to 2013, serious coal mine accidents occurred continuously, which brought great losses to the safety of people's lives and property, and the society's anxiety about the safety of miners was rising day by day. How to avoid and prevent the occurrence of major coal mine accidents has become an urgent task for the coal economic theorists and industry circles, and the relevant government departments are even more worried about this. Based on the theory of accident cause, the theory of risk management and the theory of emergency management, this paper introduces in detail the occurrence mechanism of four kinds of serious accidents in coal mines. Based on the analysis and summary of the theoretical models of the four kinds of serious and serious accidents, the basic theoretical model of the prevention and control system of the serious and serious accidents in the coal mines is established based on the analysis and summary of the theoretical models of the causes of the four kinds of serious and serious accidents. Next, this paper takes A mine belonging to SM Company as an example, on the basis of sorting out and summing up the conclusions and recommendations of major hazard sources and safety pre-evaluation of A mine, According to the basic theoretical model of the prevention and control system of the coal mine serious and serious accidents, the technical prevention and control system of the serious and serious accidents in this mine is constructed. On the basis of summing up the experiences and lessons of the serious and serious accidents in coal mines and strengthening the prevention and control of the weak links leading to the serious and serious accidents, the management and control system of the serious and serious accidents in this mine is constructed. This dual-control mode is intended to focus first on the technical analysis and research in the construction of the traditional coal mine accident prevention and control system, and then on the basis of the derivation of management and social factors. It points out that the management without technical support is empty, the technology without management is inefficient, and the function of technology is to help people to do the right thing. The function of management is to help people do things correctly, and the prevention of serious and serious accidents is precisely the result of people doing the right things correctly. Finally, the effective implementation of the management prevention and control system is expounded, and it is pointed out that the construction of shift and group and the construction of enterprise culture are the core of the system.


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