本文选题:GPS + GPRS ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of railway industry, it is an important task to prevent off-road casualties. The railway road injury alarm is mostly set in the tunnel, bridge, and the key area of road injury with accident buttons, indicating lights and sirens, signal lights and sirens, using manual judgment, and sounding alarm equipment to inform pedestrians to stay away from the railway. Because of the complicated human operation, it is possible to form a certain misinformation, delay and omission of the situation, resulting in serious consequences. In order to improve the safety of railway system, it is necessary to design an automatic and accurate mobile alarm system for road injury prevention. Through the construction of the railway road injury alarm system, the running train can be monitored instantly. When the train is close to the key area of the road, the system automatically sends out an alarm signal and informs the pedestrian in the section to stay away from the railway. Ensure the safe operation of the train. Based on the analysis of the existing alarm system, aiming at the special requirements of system mobility, reliability and low power consumption, this paper designs and implements the public mobile communication network as the basic communication channel, combined with GPS positioning and data transmission. Low-power design and a series of technologies for automatic road injury alarm system. In the aspect of hardware design, the modular design idea is adopted, which is mainly composed of three parts: the transmitter module at the train end, the receiving module at the crossing and the server. Through the power supply circuit, The factors of unreliability and high power consumption in the hardware circuit module of control circuit and communication circuit are analyzed, and the design of hardware circuit with high reliability and low power consumption is put forward and realized. The reliability and low power consumption of the hardware circuit design are analyzed and verified. In the software design, through the performance analysis of each module in the system, the real-time dormancy and timely wake-up mode are adopted. Based on the TCP/IP protocol, a lightweight multiplex communication protocol is designed and implemented on a low power embedded processor, which consolidates the reliability and low power consumption of the system from the aspect of software design, and lays a foundation for the realization of the system design goal. The practical application shows that the automatic moving alarm system designed in this paper can fully meet the safety requirements of railway system in the aspects of accuracy, reliability, low power consumption, function and so on. Achieved the expected design effect and product-level maturity, has been put into practical application and small-batch production.
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