本文选题:政府视角 + 安全文化 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of research and development, the concept of safety culture has been accepted by most scholars at home and abroad, and its application field has gradually expanded from the original nuclear industry to various fields of safety production. Although the concept of safety culture was introduced late in our country, the research of enterprise safety culture has made a lot of achievements in our country. In recent years, the overall safety situation of our country continues to improve, but the leakage and explosion of the east yellow oil pipeline, the explosion of Tianjin Binhai New area and the landslide in Shenzhen are still frequent and serious accidents. On the one hand, there are the problems of enterprises, on the other hand, whether the relevant departments of the government have imperfect legislation, lax supervision and enforcement of laws, weak awareness of safety culture, and so on, are worth our thinking. On this basis, by collecting the existing research data of safety culture, this paper draws a conclusion that the existing research on safety culture is focused on three aspects: the study of basic concepts, the study of cultural construction model and the study of optimization content of cultural construction. On this basis, this paper first tries to systematically study the safety culture from the perspective of the government in China, and puts forward the concept of the construction system of the government safety culture. Through the study of the definition of basic concept, the model of cultural construction and the mode of optimization, this paper constructs the system of government safety culture construction. In this paper, the role of the government in government security culture, the influence space of culture and the content of culture are defined from the perspective of security. Then it discusses the construction mode of government safety culture, and unifies the connotation, object and program of government safety culture construction through Hall three-dimensional model, and generalizes the contents of each part. On this basis, this paper studies the optimization model of safety culture from the perspective of the government, combining with the achievements of enterprise safety culture construction and the basic theories of culture, management, branding, propaganda and so on. Government, enterprise and society are the three pillars of safety culture construction. However, the study of national safety culture is basically focused on corporate safety culture, and the research of government safety culture is basically blank. This paper tries to divide, refine, form a scientific and systematic system of the abstract government safety culture construction, and use scientific methods to study the content of culture in order to achieve the purpose of guiding the theory and practice.
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