本文选题:高层房屋建设项目 + 施工安全风险 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:虽然目前国家在施工安全管理方面已制定了相关的法律法规,但对施工风险的监管仍缺乏完善的体系和有效的手段,直接导致施工安全事故层出不穷、严禁而不止。高层房屋建设项目施工安全事故率高,直接和间接造成的人员伤亡和经济损失特别巨大,因此,对高层房屋建设项目的施工安全风险进行评估并制定相对应的防范措施具有现实的迫切性。 本文回顾并总结了国内外施工安全风险研究现状和存在的问题,介绍了安全风险管理的基本理论,依照风险管理的程序重点分析讨论了高层房屋建设项目施工安全风险识别与评估的方法和控制措施,并对相关评估方法进行了改进。为了提高施工安全风险评估的科学性和评估结果的可靠性,论文对作业危险评价法LEC予以了修正,将“事故发生可能性”用“不可预测性”和“措施无效状态”两个指标取代,改进后的公式为D=PC1EC2,改进后的评价法具有更高的辨识性、准确性和科学性。本文利用改进后的评估方法进行单因素风险评估,利用模糊综合评价法对高层房屋建设项目的施工安全风险进行总体性评估,在使用这两种方法进行评估的过程中,考虑到不同评价人和评价指标的重要性存有差异,分别引入层次分析法和网络层次分析法解决权重问题。而且,在利用模糊评估法对案例进行施工安全风险评估的过程中,本文没有采用以往仅仅使用“风险等级”这一项评价指标的做法,而是进一步将其分解为“不可预测性”、“措施无效状态”、“暴露频繁度”和“损失后果”四项,以此提高模糊综合评价法的科学性和准确性。 此外,本文在对高层房屋建设项目施工安全风险评估的基础上,本文提出了具有针对性的防范体系与措施。针对目前强制性的安全教育仅限于三类人员而没有覆盖所有施工人员,本着提升对施工人员安全教育质量的目的,本文参照驾驶证考试制度提出了将强制性安全教育考试制度推向所有施工人员;为了对施工安全风险保持持续的监控状态,本文提出了将以监控预警技术为主的新的安全技术引入到施工安全风险控制领域;本文建立了施工安全风险防控体系。
[Abstract]:Although the country has formulated relevant laws and regulations in construction safety management at present, the supervision of construction risk is still lack of perfect system and effective means, which directly leads to the emergence of construction safety accidents in endlessly and strictly prohibited. The construction safety accident rate of high-rise building construction projects is high, and the casualties and economic losses caused directly and indirectly are particularly large, so, It is urgent to evaluate the construction safety risk of high-rise building construction project and make corresponding preventive measures. This paper reviews and summarizes the present situation and existing problems of construction safety risk research at home and abroad, and introduces the basic theory of safety risk management. According to the procedure of risk management, this paper analyzes and discusses the methods and control measures for identifying and evaluating the construction safety risk of high-rise building construction projects, and improves the related assessment methods. In order to improve the scientific nature of the construction safety risk assessment and the reliability of the evaluation results, the paper revised the operational hazard assessment method LEC and replaced the "possibility of accidents" with "unpredictability" and "the invalid state of measures". The improved formula is DPC1EC2, and the improved evaluation method is more identifiable, accurate and scientific. This paper uses the improved evaluation method to carry on the single factor risk assessment, uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to carry on the overall appraisal to the construction safety risk of the high-rise building construction project, in the process of using these two methods to carry on the appraisal, Considering the difference of importance between different evaluators and evaluation indexes, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the network analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are introduced to solve the weight problem. Moreover, in the process of using fuzzy evaluation method to evaluate construction safety risk, this paper does not adopt the previous practice of using only "risk grade" as an evaluation index, but further decomposes it into "unpredictability". In order to improve the scientific and accuracy of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, four items are listed as "ineffective measures", "frequent exposure" and "loss consequences". In addition, based on the assessment of the construction safety risk of the high-rise building construction project, this paper puts forward the corresponding prevention system and measures. In view of the fact that the current mandatory safety education is limited to only three categories of personnel and does not cover all construction personnel, in order to improve the quality of safety education for construction personnel, According to the driving license examination system, this paper puts forward the compulsory safety education examination system to all the construction personnel, in order to maintain the continuous monitoring state of the construction safety risk, In this paper, a new safety technology based on monitoring and warning technology is introduced into the field of construction safety risk control, and a construction safety risk prevention and control system is established in this paper.
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