本文选题:重大危险源 + 集对分析 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:重大危险源分级是对危险源监管的重要依据,合理分级能够有效预防重特大事故。对于流动性和分散性较强的石油化工码头而言,动态的分级方法显然比静态的分级更适合。本研究旨在提出一种适合于码头储罐区重大危险源动态分级的分级方法。 首先根据码头储罐泄漏事故发生后可能存在的事故形态,采用池火灾伤害模型、蒸气云模型和高斯烟团模型计算出事故伤害后果作为分级指标如:热辐射死亡概率(%)、热辐射重伤概率(%)、热辐射轻伤概率(%)、立即威胁生命和健康距离(m)、短时间接触容许距离(m)、立即威胁生命和健康面积(m2)、短时间接触容许面积(m2)、目标冲击波正相最大超压(MPa)、冲击波死亡半径(m)、冲击波重伤半径Rd0.5(m)、冲击波轻伤半径Rd0.01(m)。然后,根据集对分析法的原理及步骤对上述11个分级指标进行符号量化处理和联系度计算,则可推算出危险源等级。应用LabVIEW平台对该重大危险源分级系统进行编译,实现计算机自动计算分级。 将经LavbVIEW平台开发的基于集对分析法的码头储罐器重大危险源动态分级系统程序应用于宁波青峙码头。进行200次模拟动态分级后由结果可知,,一级重大危险源为丙烯腈;二级重危险源为甲醇;三级重大危险源为甲苯;四级重大危险源为苯乙烯、醋酸和对二甲苯;五级重大危险源为正丁醇。本论文构建的重大危险源动态分级系统能实时、快速和准确地对码头储罐区重大危险源进行动态分级,达到了预期的效果。
[Abstract]:The classification of major hazard sources is an important basis for the supervision of dangerous sources, and a reasonable classification can effectively prevent heavy and large accidents. For the liquid and dispersed Petrochemical Wharf, the dynamic classification method is obviously more suitable than the static classification. This study aims to propose a dynamic classification of major hazard sources suitable for the terminal storage tank. The classification method.
First of all, according to the possible accident form after the leakage accident of the terminal tank, the result of the pool fire damage model, the steam cloud model and the Gauss smoke cluster model are used to calculate the accident damage consequences, such as the death probability of heat radiation (%), the probability of severe radiation injury (%), the light injury probability of heat radiation (%), and the immediate threat to the life and health distance (m). Short time contact permissible distance (m), immediate threat of life and health area (M2), short time contact area (M2), target shock wave maximum overpressure (MPa), shock wave death radius (m), shock wave radius Rd0.5 (m), shock wave light injury radius Rd0.01 (m). Then, according to the principle and steps of set pair analysis, the above 11 classification indexes The risk source grade can be calculated by the symbolic quantization processing and the calculation of the contact degree. The LabVIEW platform is used to compile the major hazard source classification system and realize the computer automatic calculation and classification.
The LavbVIEW platform based on the LavbVIEW platform was applied to the dynamic classification system of the major hazard source of the wharf tank based on the set pair analysis method. After 200 simulated dynamic classifying, the result shows that the first grade major hazard source is acrylonitrile; the two stage heavy hazard source is methanol; the three level major hazard source is toluene; and the four magnitude is of great danger. The risk sources are styrene, acetic acid and p-xylene; the five major hazard source is n-butanol. The dynamic classification system of major hazard sources in this paper can be used to dynamically grade the major hazard sources in the tank area of the wharf in real time, and the desired results have been achieved.
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