本文选题:加速器驱动次临界系统 + 铅铋冷却反应堆 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Accelerated drive subcritical system is a new nuclear energy system for nuclear waste transmutation, nuclear fuel proliferation and energy production. The system is mainly composed of proton accelerator, spallation target and subcritical reactor. The nuclear fuel in the reactor driven by spallation neutron driven by heavy metal spallation target is bombarded by the proton produced by the accelerator to realize the transmutation treatment of nuclear waste. Proliferation of nuclear fuel, production of energy and other functions. Lead bismuth alloy has good neutron, thermal hydraulics and safety properties. Lead bismuth cooling reactor is selected as the main development direction of accelerating drive subcritical reactor in China. The FDS team of the Institute of Nuclear Safety Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has completed the conceptual design of a subcritical lead bismuth cooled reactor driven by an accelerator. Reactor items (structures, systems and components) have different effects on reactor safety, so it is necessary to classify items according to their importance to reactor safety, which is called reactor safety classification. The correct classification of reactor item safety level is the basis of all management requirements and regulations. Correctly dividing the safety grade of lead bismuth cooling reactor is the premise of selecting and adopting appropriate seismic level, design code and quality assurance grade. Therefore, in the design stage of lead bismuth cooling reactor, the safety grade of lead bismuth cooling reactor must be classified. At present, there are no international standards and guidelines for the safety classification of lead-bismuth cooling reactor items. In this thesis, lead-bismuth cooling reactor is studied as the primary method of safety classification. Firstly, the safety classification method of PWR and boiling water reactor and the safety classification method of risk-informed are investigated; secondly, the general process of safety classification method based on the above determination theory is discussed. The safety function suitable for lead bismuth cooling reactor is deduced by using the main logic diagram method. Then the safety function is classified and the items applicable to the safety function are determined. This is the safety classification method for lead bismuth cooled reactor. Thirdly, according to the characteristics of lead bismuth cooling reactor, the safety classification method system for lead bismuth cooled reactor risk-informed is put forward. Finally, the coolant system and lead-bismuth process system of lead bismuth cooling reactor are studied by the two methods mentioned above. Through the comparison and analysis of the above two methods, it can be concluded that the application range of risk-formed security classification is limited, but the risk-informed security classification is more detailed and reasonable than the deterministic theory of security classification. In the future, the main work can be considered on the safety classification of other systems of lead bismuth cooling reactor and the safety classification of risk-informed, and the two safety classification methods mentioned above can be improved one step further through the result of the classification.
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