本文选题:员工风险 + 基本风险值 ; 参考:《沈阳航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:社会经济在发展,科技在不断进步,各行各业存在的风险也变得越发多样化与复杂化,企业各工种、各岗位工作性质的差异,也就决定着其员工所承受的风险有所不同。由于行业、企业的多样化,工种的类型也随之变得多样化,工种划分的方式也是各有说法。但纵使其变化万千,目前还无一根据人员的风险进行划分,企业诸多员工长时间暴露在危险工作环境当中,工伤事故也是层出不穷,企业员工安全问题令人堪忧。因此,科学地评价企业各工种、各岗位员工实际风险大小对于提高企业的人员安全管理水平、为企业控制风险及时提供合理措施、制定合理的风险转移方案均是至关重要的。 本文首先对一个企业各工种的工作性质与作业环境进行分析,对其基本风险因素进行识别,在企业每个员工的风险相对独立的前提下,忽略员工人为失误等个人风险因素,为每个工种分别估计基本风险值R基本值。而后根据各工种操作设备和生产工艺的差异,将对员工基本风险值影响最大的两个指标危险暴露频率和危害度分别设为基本风险影响系数A和B,并以车工为例对A和B进行分级,通过专家打分确定每一级的实际风险系数。确定企业各工种A和B所属级别,,从而确定各工种最终基本风险值。再结合国内火灾、爆炸、中毒相关风险评价模型,评价在其死亡半径内、重伤半径内长期工作的企业员工所面临的风险,将每个员工所面临的全部火灾、爆炸、中毒风险作为员工的特殊风险,运用单位序列叠加原理合理地将员工的基本风险值与所有特殊风险值进行叠加,从而得到企业各工种、各岗位员工的实际风险大小,进而准确估计出企业员工总体伤害风险。而后根据评价的结果,对应每个员工不同的风险状况,制定科学合理的雇主责任险投保模式。最后,以某化工企业农药加工厂为例,将人员伤害风险的分析和评价的研究模式进行了应用。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the progress of science and technology, the risks in various industries become more and more diversified and complicated. Because of the diversification of industries and enterprises, the types of work become diversified, and the ways of division of jobs are different. However, even though it has changed thousands of times, at present, there is no division according to the risk of personnel, many employees in enterprises are exposed to dangerous working environment for a long time, industrial accidents are also emerging in endlessly, the safety problems of employees in enterprises are worrisome. Therefore, it is very important to scientifically evaluate all kinds of jobs and employees' actual risk level in order to improve the level of personnel safety management, to provide reasonable measures for enterprises to control risks in time, and to formulate reasonable risk transfer schemes. In this paper, we first analyze the nature and working environment of each type of work in an enterprise, identify its basic risk factors, ignore individual risk factors such as human error, etc., on the premise that each employee's risk is relatively independent. The basic risk value R basic value is estimated for each type of work. Then according to the difference of operation equipment and production process of each type of work, The risk exposure frequency and hazard degree of the two indexes which have the greatest influence on the basic risk value of the employees are set as the basic risk impact coefficient A and B respectively. Taking the lathe worker as an example, the actual risk coefficient of each level is determined by the expert score. Determine the level of each type of work A and B, thus determining the final basic risk of each type of work. Combined with the domestic fire, explosion, poisoning related risk assessment model, to evaluate the risk faced by employees working in the radius of death and the radius of serious injury for a long period of time, and to make all the fire and explosion that each employee faces. The poisoning risk is regarded as the special risk of the employee. The basic risk value of the employee and all the special risk values are superimposed reasonably by using the unit sequence superposition principle, so as to obtain the actual risk of each type of work and the employee in each position. And then accurately estimate the overall risk of injury to employees. Then, according to the evaluation results, according to the different risk conditions of each employee, a scientific and reasonable employer liability insurance model is established. Finally, taking a pesticide processing plant in a chemical enterprise as an example, the research model of personnel injury risk analysis and evaluation is applied.
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