[Abstract]:The effective method of industrial process fault diagnosis can not only identify and deal with the fault in the first time, avoid the possible danger, but also diagnose the type and cause of the fault in order to prevent the fault effectively. However, because the actual situation is affected by many factors, it is difficult to carry out fault diagnosis through the mathematical model of the process. Data-driven is a process based on the analysis of data, mining a lot of useful information recorded in the running process, and obtaining the needed information and knowledge from the process, which has more practical significance. In this paper, the unsupervised multivariate statistical analysis method and clustering algorithm are used to deal with the problems of fault detection and diagnosis in industrial process simply and efficiently. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, The kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM) algorithms are analyzed in detail. Furthermore, a kind of FCM clustering method based on KPCA is proposed by combining KPCA with FCM. Secondly, the proposed method is applied to industrial process fault diagnosis. The kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) algorithm maps the data from the input space to the high-dimensional feature space, which can effectively reduce the data dimension and improve the processing efficiency. At the same time, real-time fault detection can be carried out by KPCA combined with T2 and SPE statistics. Then, the FCM algorithm is used to divide the fault mode categories to realize fault diagnosis. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the simulation of te chemical production process. The classification of fault data is obtained by using KPCA-FCM method, and the fault data online diagnosis is realized at the same time. Using the data driven algorithm, the fault in industrial process can be detected and diagnosed efficiently.
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