[Abstract]:Gas extraction is the main way to ensure the safety of coal mining. With the increase of coal production, gas extraction is increasing year by year. Coal mine gas is not only a strong greenhouse gas but also a high quality clean energy. However, the utilization rate of gas extraction is very low, nearly 60% of gas is discharged directly as exhaust gas. The main reason why a large amount of gas can not be used is to pull out the tile. Low concentration and frequent fluctuation of gas concentration and flow rate, so that conventional technology is difficult to achieve safe and efficient use. Porous medium combustion technology has the advantages of wide range of poor combustion limit, high combustion efficiency and low emission of pollutants, especially suitable for the use of low concentration gas. The study of engineering background is less, and the research means is single and the research content is not comprehensive. It is urgent to further study and improve it. In this paper, the multi parameter coupling spatio-temporal evolution mechanism of low concentration gas combustion wave in porous media is studied by means of field testing, theoretical analysis, experimental research and numerical simulation. The main research results are as follows: (1) The gas source characteristics of coal mine and the characteristics of porous media material have been studied. It is found that the difference of gas extraction location significantly affects the concentration of gas extraction, the flow and its fluctuation, and the scheme should fully refer to the conditions of the downhole extraction pipeline. The main components of Al2O3 and Si C foam ceramics are obtained by the experiment. The parameters such as diameter distribution, average pore size, density and porosity can provide theoretical basis for the parameters setting of porous medium combustion model and analysis of experimental data. (2) a study on the stationary combustion of low concentration gas in porous media was carried out. A new type of burner with filling bed in reticular foam ceramics to achieve combustion wave stationary combustion was proposed. It is found that the heat transfer characteristics in the packed bed of 13mm ball are closer to that of the 10PPI silicon carbide foam ceramics, and the small ball packed bed can be filled in the gap between the foam ceramics and the heat exchange tube, reducing the effect of the gap on the heat transfer in the porous medium, and the limit range of the stationary velocity in the new burner is smaller than that in the single foam ceramic area. The NOx emission at the outlet of the device first increased and then decreased, while the CO emission decreased first and then increased, but the HC emission decreased, and the HC emission of the new burner was between the single stack bed and the single foam ceramic burner emission. (3) the study on the non stationary combustion of the low concentration gas in the porous medium (Xiang Shangyou). The peak temperature and the propagation velocity of the combustion wave are stable and uniform, but the flue gas temperature in the outlet area decreases gradually. Considering the dispersion effect in the porous media, the propagation speed increases by nearly 19.8%, which is closer to the experimental measurement value, which is helpful to improve the accuracy of the model. The propagation speed and peak temperature increase when the wall heat dissipation increases. When the wall heat dissipation increases, the propagation velocity and peak temperature decrease, and the CO emission decreases gradually with the burning wave to the upstream, while the NO emission increases slowly and then maintains stability. The faster the peak temperature is, the faster the NO emission reaches stability. (4) the low concentration in porous media is carried out. In the experiment, the two dimensional temperature distribution in the burner is obtained through the arrangement of two dimensional temperature measurement points and the interpolation method. As the combustion waves propagate downstream, the flame appears inclined and ruptured, and the more the flame is closer to the exit instability, the more obvious the propagation speed increases when the gas velocity increases. When the gas concentration increases, the propagation speed decreases, and the two-dimensional temperature distribution obtained by the experiment provides a theoretical basis for the selection of the heat dissipation factor in the numerical model. With the increase of the diameter of the filled ball, the propagation speed increases gradually, but the propagation speed decreases gradually with the increase of the burner length. (5) the characteristics of the gas burning with low water content are studied. When the water content increases, the peak temperature and the NO emission are all linearly decreasing, while the CO emission and the water content are two function relations. When the gas flow velocity is 0.5m/s, the peak air velocity increases nearly 4.4 times. The burners should consider the impact force of the air velocity increasing when the burner is designed. With the increase of water content, the limit range of the fixed combustion is gradually changed. The velocity lower limit change is very small (0.15~0.2m/s), and the velocity upper limit decreases obviously; the peak reaction rate change rate is defined, and the significant effect of water vapor and the slight influence of the basic element reaction step are obtained. (6) the effect of burner scale on the low concentration gas combustion characteristics is studied. When the inlet diameter of the burner increases, the outlet NO emissions are reduced. Less, but CO emissions increase, with the burner length increasing, the outlet NO and CO emissions gradually decrease; when the burner is large, the speed limit presents fluctuating characteristics, and the greater the limit of the equivalent ratio is, the more obvious the limit of the burner design should take into consideration. (7) the low concentration gas combustion in the diffused burner is studied. When the gas concentration increases, the peak temperature increases linearly and the position of the combustion flame moves upstream. At the same time, the NO emission increases gradually, while the CO emission decreases first and then increases. The gas preheating can obviously increase the peak temperature of the combustion, which is beneficial to the position of the combustion flame to the upstream, and the NO emission is also significantly increased, determining the entrance tile. In the preheating degree, the thermal efficiency and the emission of pollutants should be synthetically measured. The research results can help to improve the mechanism of the multi parameter coupling time and space evolution in the porous medium, and based on the related research of the coal mine low concentration gas engineering background, it can provide theoretical support for the practical application of the porous medium combustion technology and the burner design. During the study, 9 papers were published, of which 4 were retrieved by SCI, 2 by EI, 1 for the first prize in science and technology progress at the provincial level, 4 for national invention patents and 5 for utility model patents.
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