[Abstract]:With the change of economic growth mode of coal, the scale of coal production is expanding and the mode of production of coal mine is changing. Due to the rapid development of coal mine accidents and the long underground escape route, it is difficult for underground workers to evacuate safely, which puts forward higher requirements for the safety of coal mines. Nowadays, the existing emergency modes of coal mine accidents mainly focus on ground rescue. With the compulsory implementation of the "six major systems" for underground safety and shelter, a new emergency rescue method in China has also been opened. The State Council document No. 23 of 2010 made it clear that by the end of June 2013, all mines must complete the construction of underground emergency havens. The underground emergency risk avoidance system will overcome the singularity of the existing surface rescue and effectively shorten the escape route of the staff. On this basis, the paper summarizes the construction results of the emergency risk avoidance system at home and abroad, aiming at the types and characteristics of mine disasters in China, as well as the shortage of existing disaster avoidance methods, the importance of establishing an emergency risk avoidance system is known. Combined with the production environment and characteristics of coal mine in our country, this paper makes a full study on the underground emergency risk avoidance system. Among them, the design principles, function requirements, construction requirements and the structure of the emergency shelter facilities are studied in detail. According to the existing roadway layout and excavation situation in Tangan Coal Mine, the overall design of emergency risk avoidance system in Tangan Coal Mine is carried out. The underground emergency risk avoidance system established in Tangan coal mine provides a reliable guarantee for the production safety of Tangan coal mine and the life safety of underground workers, and improves the present situation of coal mine emergency rescue system in China. It is of great significance for the establishment of underground emergency risk avoidance system.
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