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发布时间:2018-08-31 13:24
[Abstract]:With the warming of the navigation ship market in the ice area, the merchant ship design of the ice zone abroad has become more and more perfect, but the independent design of the merchant ship sailing in the ice area in China is still few. In order to realize the transformation from the shipbuilding power to the shipbuilding power, The navigation and design risks of ships in cold climates should be fully understood. First of all, collect and study the ship low-temperature navigation data, carry on the related risk research. This paper mainly studies the ten risks that ships may encounter when sailing at low temperature: stability loss risk, hull failure risk, power system failure risk, cargo system equipment failure risk, deck equipment failure risk, Life saving equipment failure risk, fire protection system failure risk, comfort reducing risk, navigation equipment failure risk, personnel safety reducing risk. Secondly, according to the relevant standards of China Classification Society, the 63 risk impacts under the ten major risks of ship navigation at low temperature are classified according to the fault severity and probability of occurrence, and the risk identification work is completed. The results are formed into a risk analysis matrix. According to the risk analysis matrix, these risks are divided into three types: unacceptable risk, reasonable and feasible low risk and negligible risk. Through the study, it is found that the unacceptable risk is 34.9%, the reasonable and feasible low risk is 58.7%, and the negligible risk is 6.4% among the 63 risk effects. Finally, aiming at some risks of ship navigation at low temperature, the risk control measures are found out, and the anti-freezing measures and deicing measures for ships at low temperature are studied emphatically. The anti-freezing measures are as follows: the anti-freezing measures of ballast tanks, the measures of main and auxiliary propulsion equipment, the anti-freezing measures of deck equipment, the anti-freezing measures of life-saving equipment, the anti-freezing measures of navigational equipment, the freezing measures of cabin and safe passage.


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