[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industry in China, the transportation volume of liquid dangerous goods in the Yangtze River Basin is increasing step by step. Liquid dangerous goods have the characteristics of flammability, explosive, strong corrosiveness, poison, radiation and so on, and the technical condition of inland liquid dangerous goods transportation ships is poor, there are more old and old ships, and the quality of inland waterway shipping personnel is low. The danger of an accident was greatly increased. In recent years, about 10% of the total number of accidents occurred in dangerous goods transport ships in inland rivers, although China has formulated relevant laws and regulations to regulate the various important links in the transport of dangerous goods on water. However, there are few researches on ensuring the safe transportation of liquid dangerous goods on inland rivers in China, especially on the whole process and real time monitoring of liquid dangerous goods. In order to ensure the transportation safety of liquid dangerous goods in inland rivers, this paper studies the key technologies of safety monitoring and early warning of liquid dangerous goods on board ships based on the key technology and application demonstration of the state monitoring of liquid dangerous goods on board ships. Aiming at the problem that the traditional mechanical measurement accuracy is low and the liquid level data can not be obtained in real time, a high precision radar liquid level meter is proposed and realized to monitor the liquid level of liquid dangerous goods in real time. The data acquisition method of liquid dangerous goods based on Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) protocol is studied and realized, and the state data of liquid dangerous goods are preprocessed to improve the measurement accuracy. The real time accurate calculation of liquid level and cargo volume of cargo tank is realized by modifying model of liquid level and trim, and a coding format of data transmission between ship and shore is designed, and the status information of liquid dangerous goods in ship cabin is obtained by using existing data acquisition terminal. Ship attitude and other data are efficiently transmitted to the management center on shore. In the simulation experiment, the temperature, pressure and liquid level height are measured by using temperature sensor, pressure sensor and radar liquid level meter respectively. The measuring accuracy and signal stability of various sensors are analyzed. To ensure that the various sensors can meet the needs of accurate measurement. The state monitoring and early warning system developed in this paper can provide a complete solution for the safety monitoring and control of the ship's liquid dangerous goods in transit, and it will be able to enhance the safety level of the liquid dangerous goods transportation on the water. To the environment protection and the person, the property safety safeguard has the certain promotion significance.
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