发布时间:2018-10-08 08:47
[Abstract]:To maintain and perfect the radiation protection system is one of the three gist of (ICRP) 2016-2020 strategic plan. The key to this theme is to "identify and encourage the research needed to support radiation protection." This paper, on behalf of ICRP, aims to encourage dialogue and focus on research initiatives. Identified areas of study (no priority) include the mechanisms of continuous exposure and low dose rate effects, the low dose effect mechanisms and the dose effect models they attribute to specific organs and age, gender differences in sensitivity to cancer induction
[Abstract]:To maintain and perfect the radiation protection system is one of the three gist of (ICRP) 2016-2020 strategic plan. The key to this theme is to "identify and encourage the research needed to support radiation protection." This paper, on behalf of ICRP, aims to encourage dialogue and focus on research initiatives. Identified areas of study (no priority) include the mechanisms of continuous exposure and low dose rate effects, the low dose effect mechanisms and the dose effect models they attribute to specific organs and age, gender differences in sensitivity to cancer induction
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