[Abstract]:Pressure-bearing special equipment has special professional technology and potential high risk. The accidents of special pressure equipment may not only cause heavy casualties, but also cause huge economic losses, bad social effects and environmental problems. Under the background of rapid growth of equipment quantity and limited resources of supervision, it is of great significance to implement risk-based supervision on special equipment under pressure. The main research results of this paper are as follows: (1) the concept of risk-based supervision of special pressure equipment is put forward, and the three-dimensional early-warning structure system and warning process of social risk of special pressure equipment are constructed. It includes two parts: single index risk early warning and social risk comprehensive warning. (2) the social risk of special pressure equipment is scientifically defined, and the evolution mechanism of social risk of pressure special equipment is analyzed and studied. It is clear that the social risk level of special equipment is affected by the inherent risk of the equipment and the vulnerability of the disaster bearing body, among which, the disaster bearing body includes personnel, Equipment, facility and environment. 3) the factors influencing the social risk of special equipment are systematically identified from the two dimensions of inherent risk of equipment and vulnerability of disaster bearing body, respectively. The meaning of each factor is explained in detail. 4) based on the result of identification of the influencing factors, the social risk early warning index system of "2 categories-29 indexes" is constructed, and the index weight is determined. And the dimensionless treatment of each early warning index, the evaluation function and evaluation standard of each early warning index are determined.) the comprehensive social risk assessment model and the life risk assessment model of the special equipment of bearing pressure are constructed, respectively. Economic risk assessment model and environmental risk assessment model. The classification standard of social risk and the method of classification and early warning for special equipment of bearing pressure are determined. The scope of application and application method of early warning method of equipment social risk are studied. 6) the stakeholders of special equipment safety under pressure are analyzed, and the important influence of the game between government and enterprise is clarified. This paper analyzes the relationship between entrustment and agent of safety supervision of special pressure equipment. This paper compares the effects of different strategies on government administration and enterprise security investment. This paper analyzes the game result synthetically, and formulates the comprehensive control strategy and classified control strategy .7 of the social risk of the special equipment of pressure type) taking boiler as an example, carries on the demonstration analysis of the social risk early warning method of the special equipment of the pressure type. The empirical results show that the early warning method accords with the actual situation and has practicability and scientifical.8) the game process of safety supervision and control for the whole pressurized special equipment and the pressure vessel is analyzed respectively. The research shows that from 2001 to 2014, The mutual game between the government supervision department and enterprises promotes the decline of accident level.
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