[Abstract]:Emergency evacuation is an important measure to prevent and reduce casualties. Nowadays, more and more emergencies call for emergency evacuation. With the increasing role of subway in urban traffic, more and more attention has been paid to the safety of subway operation. Because of the particularity of subway construction, how to evacuate people efficiently after the accident is the core problem to ensure its operation safety. The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of emergency evacuation by solving the problem of subway evacuation path optimization. First, the subway evacuation network is established, and the attributes of each element in the network are defined according to the characteristics of the subway. On this basis, considering that the crowded degree of evacuation has an important impact on the efficiency of emergency evacuation, the congestion degree of subway evacuation is designed. Combined with the congestion, the auction algorithm is improved, and the improved auction algorithm is applied to the design of the emergency evacuation path optimization method. Taking Dongchang Road Station in Shanghai Metro as an example, this paper verifies the method of route optimization, and provides a complete evacuation plan for subway evacuees to reach the safety point from the subway compartment through the facilities in the station. Considering that the evacuees can not be evacuated in accordance with the established evacuation assignment scheme, the previous evacuation methods can only be used as a guiding strategy, aiming at the various behaviors of the evacuees. The most important behavior of individual evacuation is the phenomenon of conformity. In the working environment of Anylogic simulation software, the ant colony algorithm is introduced to simulate the behavior of individual herd, and the previous evacuation optimization results are introduced as parameters in this ant colony algorithm. The optimized scheme can effectively reduce the crowded degree of the whole evacuation process, reduce the evacuation time, and provide a reasonable evacuation path for the individual evacuation.
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