发布时间:2018-10-24 21:35
【摘要】:我国已经成为世界上隧道最多、最复杂、建设速度最快的国家。公路隧道作为高速公路网的瓶颈路段,具有事故多发,且事故危害程度大、事后处理困难等特点。紧急停车带的存在对隧道内安全救援有重要作用,但由于行车环境的突然变化也会对驾驶员的视觉和心理产生影响。因此,合理设置隧道紧急停车带对保障隧道运营安全有重要意义。 在对隧道路段行车环境特征、交通特征及驾驶员动态视觉特征研究的基础上,结合驾驶员眼动的基本形式及评价方法,设计了隧道紧急停车带路段驾驶员眼动实验。利用Smart Eye Pro5.7型非侵入式眼动仪记录了驾驶员在隧道紧急停车带及其前后路段行驶过程中的眼动参数,并以各个路段上驾驶员的注视持续时间、平均注视时间、瞳孔直径、注视角、注视点位置分布等参数作为评价指标,分析了在此路段驾驶员的眼动特征。 结合行车速度和行车轨迹分析了驾驶员在隧道紧急停车带路段的驾驶行为变化特征。应用安全性基本理论,对紧急停车带及其影响路段的驾驶员行车安全性进行分析,找出此路段究竟对行车安全有何影响。并得出了相关改善措施。 从保障安全的角度出发,讨论了现行规范中紧急停车带及附属设施设置的合理性,,提出了隧道紧急停车带及其附属设施的合理设置方法。 研究成果对于隧道路段紧急停车带的设计有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:China has become the world's largest tunnel, the most complex, the fastest speed of construction. As the bottleneck section of highway network, highway tunnel has the characteristics of frequent accidents, great accident harm and difficulty in handling afterwards. The existence of emergency parking belt plays an important role in the safety rescue in tunnel, but the sudden change of driving environment will also have an impact on the vision and psychology of the driver. Therefore, it is important to set up emergency stop belt for tunnel operation safety. Based on the study of driving environment, traffic characteristics and driver's dynamic visual characteristics, combined with the basic form and evaluation method of driver's eye movement, the experiment of driver's eye movement in tunnel emergency parking zone was designed. The eye movement parameters of the driver in the tunnel emergency parking zone and its front and back sections were recorded by using the Smart Eye Pro5.7 non-invasive eye movement instrument. The fixation duration, the average fixation time and the pupil diameter of the driver in each section of the tunnel were calculated. The eye movement characteristics of the driver in this section are analyzed by using the fixation angle and the location distribution of the fixation point as the evaluation indexes. Combined with the driving speed and the driving track, the driving behavior of the driver in the emergency parking zone of the tunnel is analyzed. Based on the basic theory of safety, this paper analyzes the driver's driving safety of emergency parking belt and its influence section, and finds out the influence of this section on driving safety. And obtained the relevant improvement measures. From the point of view of ensuring safety, this paper discusses the rationality of emergency parking belt and auxiliary facilities in the current code, and puts forward the reasonable setting method of emergency stop belt and its auxiliary facilities in tunnel. The research results can be used for reference in the design of emergency parking belt in tunnel section.
[Abstract]:China has become the world's largest tunnel, the most complex, the fastest speed of construction. As the bottleneck section of highway network, highway tunnel has the characteristics of frequent accidents, great accident harm and difficulty in handling afterwards. The existence of emergency parking belt plays an important role in the safety rescue in tunnel, but the sudden change of driving environment will also have an impact on the vision and psychology of the driver. Therefore, it is important to set up emergency stop belt for tunnel operation safety. Based on the study of driving environment, traffic characteristics and driver's dynamic visual characteristics, combined with the basic form and evaluation method of driver's eye movement, the experiment of driver's eye movement in tunnel emergency parking zone was designed. The eye movement parameters of the driver in the tunnel emergency parking zone and its front and back sections were recorded by using the Smart Eye Pro5.7 non-invasive eye movement instrument. The fixation duration, the average fixation time and the pupil diameter of the driver in each section of the tunnel were calculated. The eye movement characteristics of the driver in this section are analyzed by using the fixation angle and the location distribution of the fixation point as the evaluation indexes. Combined with the driving speed and the driving track, the driving behavior of the driver in the emergency parking zone of the tunnel is analyzed. Based on the basic theory of safety, this paper analyzes the driver's driving safety of emergency parking belt and its influence section, and finds out the influence of this section on driving safety. And obtained the relevant improvement measures. From the point of view of ensuring safety, this paper discusses the rationality of emergency parking belt and auxiliary facilities in the current code, and puts forward the reasonable setting method of emergency stop belt and its auxiliary facilities in tunnel. The research results can be used for reference in the design of emergency parking belt in tunnel section.
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