[Abstract]:Disaster emergency drill is an effective method to deal with various disasters. The application of computer technology assistant emergency drill not only can help the drilling participants become familiar with the emergency plan, improve the team's cooperation ability, but also help the decision-maker to check whether the emergency plan is reasonable. The research of computer-aided emergency drill system involves multi-disciplinary integration. In this paper, the key technology of computer-aided emergency drill system soil is studied, and the concrete work is as follows: 1. According to the classical chemical disaster description formula, the concept and the disaster field of the third class disaster field of chemical engineering are put forward. The method is verified by a pool fire temperature field algorithm, a disaster simulation agent system is established based on the disaster field algorithm, the core structure of each agent is designed, In this paper, the simulation structure design and implementation of the disaster field are solved at the system level, the three-dimensional rendering idea and optimization method of the disaster are studied, the related rendering parameters selection method is given for different disasters, and the three-dimensional rendering of the disaster field is solved. 2. According to the complexity of the spread of chemical disasters, the multi-hazard network model was established based on the complex network theory and the multi-hazard network model was established, and the triggering and transmission of chemical multi-hazard was explored. In this paper, a comprehensive effect model based on disaster information entropy is proposed and presented. The comprehensive influence algorithm also takes into account the shielding factor of disaster and disaster, and designs the relevant parameters. On this basis, based on the node disaster disturbance and the propagation universal dynamic model of the complex network, the simulation of the potential disaster triggering and multi-hazard dynamic evolution process of the chemical plant is constructed. The real calculation model. 3. Emphasis will be given on the practice of fuzzy expert system and the setting of the simulation system. Based on fuzzy rough set theory, this paper studies the reduction method of expert system reasoning rule, and then applies fuzzy rough set entropy matching algorithm to construct the emergency plan deduction process. The pre-rule matching method. The design of the fuzzy hybrid method realizes the uncertainty problem. Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a fuzzy rough set based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is proposed. The comprehensive modeling method of knowledge measure is introduced, and the related concepts of various knowledge measures in rough sets are analyzed first. Secondly, use the AHP method to establish the emergency performance. Finally, the control algorithm of drill process and the core control flow formed on the basis of this method are also designed, and the fuzzy control rule is also given. According to the multi-level of the emergency drill process and the result evaluation and the mixture of subjective and objective indexes, a hierarchical entropy weight is put forward. Firstly, a layered entropy weight analysis method is established on the basis of traditional entropy weight analysis method; secondly, the main objective mixed evaluation method is studied, and the mixed evaluation method is proposed. The concept of the combining factor and the calculation method are given. The research results not only solve the singularity problem of the entropy weight analysis evaluation, but also solve the subjectivity deviation problem of the AHP method on the right value setting. and 6, the emergency drill system and its core module are developed by using the modularized method, The design idea and architecture of the module and the system are described. The script system module is designed by using the object-oriented design idea, and the application flow of the module is described. The operation and scheduling of the drilling agent system is realized. Through the three-dimensional engine design and realization description and the description of the three-dimensional scene configuration tool, the complete display shows a high-efficiency reality.
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