[Abstract]:Two gas pressure sensors and two temperature sensors were added to simulate coal and gas outburst tests with outburst caliber of 10mm / 30mm / 50mm. The test results show that under the condition of 0.75 MPa gas pressure, no coal and gas outburst occurs when the outburst caliber is 10mm, the coal and gas outburst occurs when the outburst caliber is 50mm and 30mm, and the mass of outburst coal body is 25.40kg and 15.05 kg, respectively. With the decrease of outburst caliber, coal and gas outburst decrease, and outburst strength decreases. The size of outburst caliber affects the state of coal outburst. The larger the diameter of outburst, the farther the distance of outburst and the more destructive. After outburst, the proportion of coal particles in the range of 1.6~5.0mm decreases, while the proportion of coal particles smaller than 0.75mm increases, which reflects the crushing work in the process of outburst and has a strong comminution property. The larger the outburst caliber, the easier it is for the coal body to break and lose stability and to produce coal and gas outburst. The gas emission in the coal body is affected by the outburst caliber, which makes the change trend of gas pressure gradient in coal body different. The larger the diameter of outburst, the faster the reduction of gas pressure, the more obvious the comminution of gas to coal body, the greater the outburst strength, and the change of coal temperature in the process of outburst, which indicates that the outburst caliber affects the breaking instability and outburst characteristics of gas-bearing coal.
【作者单位】: 安徽理工大学能源与安全学院;安徽煤矿安全监察局安全技术中心;
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