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发布时间:2018-11-22 10:24
【摘要】:锦界煤矿位于陕北黄土高原北端、毛乌素沙漠东南缘,隶属于侏罗系煤田。主采煤层3-1煤上方沉积有第四系萨拉乌苏组松散沙层潜水含水层和侏罗系中统直罗组风化基岩裂隙承压含水层,富水性中等;两含水层之间的土层隔水层沉积较薄,并且在薄基岩区段,3-1煤层开采后其导水裂缝带高度大多超过煤层上覆正常基岩厚度,使得风化基岩承压含水层成为矿井的普遍充水含水层。针对3-1煤层回采面临的顶板含水层水害威胁,以往工作面采用均匀布孔的方式超前疏放顶板水,以降低回采期间的涌水量。但由于对疏放水技术的认知缺陷,往往造成过度疏放水,具体表现为工作面钻孔数量多,疏放水时间长,疏放水量大,严重制约着矿井的经济效益。因此,为了保障矿井安全开采、降低疏放水成本,亟需对煤层顶板水疏放技术进行优化研究,这对实现矿井安全高效、经济开采具有重要的指导意义。通过对锦界矿井地质、水文地质等资料的研究,分析了矿井涌水量的变化趋势及其构成,并对矿井涌水量的影响因素进行分析,提出工作面疏放水量是矿井涌水量的主要影响因素之一。对以往工作面顶板水疏放情况进行研究,提出了疏放水过程中存在钻孔数量过多、疏放水时间过长、疏放水量过大的问题。针对该问题对31204工作面进行疏放水试验,从孔组疏放水量、单孔疏放水量、残余水头、疏放水稳定时间、疏放水单孔影响半径、分段放水距等方面对疏放水试验数据进行了分析,提出了疏放水效果定量化指标,并在此基础上得出了疏放水效果判别准则。建立了研究区地下水三维非稳定流数值模型,获取了相关水文地质参数,经识别与验证后,为疏放水优化管理模型提供了用于模拟预测的地下水流数值模型。采用响应矩阵法将地下水三维非稳定流数值模型与优化管理模型进行耦合,以疏放水效果判别准则作为约束条件,建立了 31205工作面煤层顶板水疏放优化管理模型,基于分段放水距、疏放水钻孔数量及疏放水时间设定了 6种不同的疏放水方案,运用Lingo语言与0-1整数规划算法对模型联合求解,对各方案计算结果进行了对比分析,得出31205工作面顶板水疏放的最优推荐方案。
[Abstract]:Jinjie Coal Mine is located in the northern end of the Loess Plateau and the southeast edge of Maowusu Desert, belonging to the Jurassic coal field. On the top of the main coal seam 3-1, there are the phreatic aquifer of loose sand layer of the Salawusu formation of Quaternary system and the fractured aquifer of weathered bedrock of the Jurassic Middle Series Zhiluo formation, with medium water content. The soil layer between the two aquifers is thin, and in the thin bedrock section, the height of the water-conducting fracture zone of the 3-1 coal seam is higher than that of the normal bedrock overlying the coal seam. It makes weathered bedrock confined aquifer a universal water-filled aquifer in mines. In view of the water hazard threat to the roof aquifer in the mining of 3-1 coal seam, in the past, the roof water was thinned out in advance by uniform hole arrangement in the working face, so as to reduce the water inflow during the mining period. However, due to the cognitive defects of the drainage technology, excessive drainage is often caused by the large number of boreholes in the working face, the long time of drainage and the large amount of water thinning, which seriously restricts the economic benefit of the mine. Therefore, in order to ensure the mine safe mining and reduce the cost of drainage, it is urgent to optimize the technology of roof drainage of coal seam, which has important guiding significance for the realization of mine safety and efficiency and economic mining. Based on the study of geological, hydrogeological and other data of Jinjie mine, the changing trend and composition of mine water discharge are analyzed, and the influencing factors of mine water discharge are analyzed. It is pointed out that the drainage of coal face is one of the main influencing factors of mine discharge. Based on the research on the situation of roof water thinning in previous working face, the problems such as excessive number of boreholes, too long time of drainage and too large amount of water are put forward in the process of water thinning and discharging. In view of this problem, the experiment of sparing water in 31204 working face is carried out. The influence radius of the unit of holes, the water volume of single hole, the residual water head, the stable time of drainage and the influence radius of single hole are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the experimental data, the quantitative index of the drainage effect is put forward, and the criteria for judging the effect of the thinning are obtained on the basis of the analysis of the experimental data. The three-dimensional unsteady flow numerical model of groundwater in the study area was established, and the relevant hydrogeological parameters were obtained. After identification and verification, a numerical model of groundwater flow for simulation and prediction was provided for the optimal management model of drainage. By using the response matrix method, the numerical model of groundwater three-dimensional unstable flow is coupled with the optimal management model, and the optimal management model of water drainage of coal seam roof in 31205 working face is established with the criterion of the effect of drainage and drainage as the constraint condition. Based on the interval between sections, the number of holes and the time of drainage, six different schemes are set up. The model is solved by using Lingo language and 0-1 integer programming algorithm. The calculation results of each scheme are compared and analyzed. The optimal recommended scheme of roof water drainage in 31205 working face is obtained.


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