[Abstract]:In recent years, highway construction has developed rapidly and played an important role in the national economy. However, with the increase of traffic volume year by year, highway traffic safety problems are increasingly prominent. The study of road safety evaluation and control countermeasures is one of the important means to effectively prevent and reduce traffic accidents. Through road safety evaluation, the potential factors affecting traffic safety can be detected and corrected as early as possible, and the problems can be prevented in the future. With a view to minimizing the loss of personnel and property. Since the Huihe (Yuanyuan) Expressway was opened to traffic in December 2003, traffic accidents have increased year by year with the increase of traffic volume. In order to further improve the traffic safety level and service level of Huihe Expressway, accurately grasp the condition and traffic characteristics of Huihe Expressway infrastructure, scientific, objective and reasonable, it is necessary to analyze the current safety situation of Huihe Expressway. Identify possible traffic safety uncertainties and reduce traffic accidents. According to the actual demand of Huihe Expressway project, this paper starts with the analysis of the influence of highway road and traffic factors on traffic safety, and through the investigation and analysis of the present traffic situation, makes a systematic analysis of the present safety situation of Huihe Expressway. The influence of road factors, such as road alignment, roadbed and pavement, bridge, interchange, traffic engineering and facilities along the road, on traffic safety is analyzed and studied in detail. This paper evaluates the safety of Huihe Expressway systematically, and puts forward the corresponding measures and improvement schemes in view of the existing problems and hidden dangers, and puts forward some suggestions for improving and improving the safety level of Huihe Expressway. The results of safety analysis and treatment countermeasures in this paper have been partly applied to the safety treatment project of Huihe Expressway, which has achieved obvious results and provided comprehensive technical support for the safety improvement of Huihe Expressway.
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