[Abstract]:In recent years, our country high-speed railway develops rapidly, the mileage of operation is also increasing ceaselessly. At the same time, our country is a multi-earthquake country. When the earthquake occurs, the train running will cause train derailment accident and cause casualties because of earthquake disturbance. Therefore, we should establish earthquake warning system as soon as possible. The safety of railway transportation is guaranteed more effectively, and whether the alarm threshold is reasonable or not in the earthquake warning system is directly related to the effect of early warning and the reliability of the system. In this paper, the current situation of earthquake warning threshold of high-speed railway at home and abroad is introduced, and then combined with the development situation at home and abroad and the actual demand for earthquake warning system of high-speed railway in China. The alarm threshold and train emergency control principle of early warning system of high-speed railway in China are analyzed in order to provide theoretical basis for the design of earthquake warning system of train operation. The problems related to the threshold of earthquake monitoring and warning in high-speed railway are studied as follows: (1) in order to study the safety of train operation during earthquake, the dynamic model of vehicle-track bridge coupling system is established by using finite element software. The calculated results under the condition of no earthquake are in good agreement with the measured results of the combined adjustment test, which verifies the reliability of the model. The modal analysis of the whole bridge is carried out, and the frequency and mode shape of the bridge are obtained. Four typical seismic waves of track irregularity and external excitation are introduced. On the basis of summing up and analyzing the evaluation indexes of train running safety, a large number of calculations have been carried out on the vehicle-track bridge coupling system under seismic action, and it has been obtained that different driving speed, different pier height and different ground motion intensity are obtained. The effect of different spectral characteristics on the dynamic response under earthquake excitation. (2) the dynamic model of vehicle-track-roadbed coupling system is established. The calculated results under the condition of no earthquake agree well with the measured results of the combined adjustment test. The reliability of the model is verified and can be used to analyze the dynamic response of the system under seismic action. A large number of calculations of vehicle-track subgrade system under seismic action have been carried out, and the influence law of dynamic response under different driving speed, different ground motion intensity and different spectrum characteristics has been obtained. (3) the vehicle-rail-bridge-catenary (including wrist arm) coupling dynamic model and the vehicle-rail-bridge-noise barrier model are established. The dynamic responses of the system under seismic excitation with different ground motion intensity and different spectral characteristics are analyzed respectively. (4) based on the safety index of train operation, the performance of catenary, the strength of structure and the limit of building, four typical seismic waves are selected to excite the system. In this paper, the suggested values of the train operating limits under the excitation of various seismic waves are proposed, and the safety limit diagrams of the ground motion intensity and the train speed are obtained. On the basis of this, the warning thresholds for trains to encounter four typical seismic waves are obtained. (5) according to the different alarm threshold, the corresponding emergency disposal principle is established. There are three vehicle control classes, and different vehicle control measures are taken according to different vehicle control classes.
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